Iranian-Canadian Neda Barghashi talks about being a stand up comedian!
She is hoping to be the voice of girls and women in Iran and is asking for their rights and freedom.

Neda Barghashi is an Iranian-Canadian internet personality, being the first ever Iranian beauty blogger who started producing beauty related/ makeup tips and tutorials in a video format in Persian/Farsi language in 2014. In 2016, she started making comedy videos on Instagram. She was struggling with anxiety and depression and had no friends to connect with, so she turned to Instagram to entertain herself and hopefully find friends and now she has over 1.1 million followers on her @nedayasee2 Instagram account.
Her goal is to empower women, inspire them to be comfortable with their body and femininity, and promote self-love and independency. Also, her main goal is to entertain her followers and connect with them on a personal and deep level, make them laugh and escape their daily stress. She is hoping to be the voice of girls and women in Iran and is asking for their rights and freedom. Her idea is to be a woman that wanted to be free, to do comedy without any risk, and connect with feminist groups and advocate for women rights in Iran. She is also trying to challenge and push at the boundaries of Iranian strict and traditional culture, anti feminism behavior, and advocate for women rights especially in Iran with a comedy twist.
As Neda Barghashi has studied midwifery in Iran and worked as a midwife, she is trying to transfer her knowledge to her followers and giving advice and tips about feminine hygiene, virginity, tips on teenage females’ health and hygiene, etc. Neda Barghashi had a traumatizing toxic relationship with her boyfriend and she always talked about her relationship and transferred her experience and gives relationship advice to her young followers through her Instagram posts, Instagram stories and Instagram live with a comedy touch.
She Made a video on her street sexual abuse story in Iran and was well received and highly engaged from her followers and sparked a huge conversion regarding street sexual assault in Iran and made a lot of girls to come out with their sexual assault stories as well. In her several posts, she talked about gender and race discrimination in Iran where she got backlash and hate comments and that ended up with some Persian websites to write things about her that are completely untrue and are straight lies and try to create hate and negative image and perspective about her.
When she goes live on Instagram, the minimum live views she gets are 20K and max is 50K. Her Instagram live is pretty popular and very interesting to her followers. In her Instagram live, she talks about her life stories, doing makeup tutorials, showing her outfit haul, makeup and grocery haul, talking about feminine hygiene, etc.