
I was emotionally affected

Says Payal about her role in Mangalavaram

Payal Rajput just wrapped production on her upcoming film Mangalavaram, a psychological rustic thriller directed by Ajay Bhupathi, with whom she previously collaborated on her debut film RX100. She had wanted to collaborate with him since her first movie.

“When Ajay told me the story of Mangalavaram, my instant reaction was ‘wow.’ I was drawn to the compelling story because this is not a regular kind of masala fare. It’s very unconventional,” Payal says.

The actress emphasises that the director’s vision is always different. And after hearing the unique story, Payal knew right immediately how much she had to give up to play the difficult character. “I was actually looking for such a tough role where I am challenged as an actor,” she says, adding that she couldn’t have picked a better film at this juncture.

Payal plays Shailu, an introverted rustic girl. As the story develops, something weird about her emerges as she is tested on numerous elements of life. The teaser shows her in some daring sequences.

However, she claims that audiences nowadays welcome alternative cinema with raw and rustic performances.

“I wasn’t apprehensive about doing bold and scary scenes because they are part of storytelling. Moreover as an actor I should be game to do all roles. In the film, my journey from innocence to self discovery is very intriguing,” she comments.

The film also explores black magic and other societal taboos. And, as someone with a city background, does Payal believe in black magic? “Yes, I do,” she says adding, “I believe in positive manifestation, and several good things happened while shooting. So I am also sure there’s negative energy around.”

The most difficult part, she says, was shooting the climax scene in midsummer last year in Atreyapuram village (where the film’s plot is based). Although the humidity was excessive, the actress was not on a liquid diet. As a result, she became dehydrated and eventually developed a kidney infection.

“While shooting, I felt edgy and knew something was not right inside my body. I have been experiencing a lot of body pains. But the director said that I cannot go back to Hyderabad for treatment because the unit had planned a lengthy schedule,” the actress reveals.

After five days, the director realised her situation and immediately called on doctors from Hyderabad to the village to treat her.
“I was under heavy medication while shooting for the climax. I shot the film on antibiotics for a week. Later the stones in my kidney were flushed out.”

Payal claims that the part was physically and emotionally exhausting. She even took a few weeks off after filming to see her mother in order to recover from her character’s hangover.

“It was such an intense and dark role that it jolted my soul. I was affected emotionally. But it was also exhausting to go through the character’s highs and lows,” she describes stating that her character in the film had a roller coaster of emotions.

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