
Countdown to Kalki 2898 AD: ticket prices hiked

The countdown to the release of “Kalki 2898 AD” is only three days away and the anticipation has never been this high. It is a film that features stars from across different film industries, making it one of the biggest releases this year, and will appeal to a nationwide audience.

There are however concerns about the promotional activities for the movie. Some people think that “Kalki 2898 AD” required a more elaborate advertisement campaign. The manufacturers appeared to have increased their efforts only after something like a pre-release event which became trendy. Yet there is a feeling that its promotion still revolves strongly around Telugu-speaking areas thus failing to tap into other huge markets.

Regarding updates, Kalki 2898 AD follows in a tradition often associated with superstar Rajinikanth films by adding new shows such as early morning screenings at five thirty in the morning. While this move may help increase initial viewership, it comes at a price.

Ticket prices are going through significant increments. Single-screen tickets might see an inflation of Rs75 while multiplex tickets could go up by as much as Rs125 plus. This price rise raises fears among potential cinema-goers especially considering that eventually this particular film will be available on OTT platforms too. Its ticket prices should therefore be carefully balanced so that “Kalki 2898 AD” can maximize its box-office sales.

These factors will affect how successful Kalki 2898 AD can be when released; fans and industry followers await their impact on its performance especially at such dire times where everyone wants everything fast done in a minute and gone.’ As we count down towards ‘Kalki 2898 AD’, it’s highly expected above all else.’

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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