
Japanese Fans Spotted at Hyderabad Theatre Screening Kalki

It was quite unexpected but a pleasant one as Japanese Indian Movie enthusiasts from Japan flew to Hyderabad just because they wanted to feel how it feels like when Kalki 2898 AD hits the screen.

The film has been creating a buzz worldwide already with some of the biggest names in industry starring in it and its premiere at Prasads Multiplex has attracted an international audience composed of a unique nationality.

The multiplex saw these Japanese fans eagerly soaking up the atmosphere while also enjoying Rebel Truck, a special feature set up for promoting this movie. The presence of international fans at local theatres underscores the global draw and appeal of Indian movies precisely Telugu films. #Kalki2898AD, on its part is being branded as big budget flick which has attracted Japanese fans; this goes to show you just how far reaching this motion picture actually is globally speaking.

As different audiences keep on watching, multicultural attendance at screenings demonstrates the world-wide popularity of Indian cinema. Kalki 2898 AD is poised not only for a massive success in India but also across nations given its high stakes drama and casted by stars. Thus far, enthusiastic responses from both domestic and international admirers including Japan is a positive sign for this movie’s success.

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