
Viral Saif Ali Khan Injury Photos Proven Fake

Viral images of Saif Ali Khan's "injury" are fake. One is edited, the other is from his 2019 film ‘Laal Kaptaan’

Claim: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was injured during a robbery attempt at his home in Mumbai’s Bandra in the wee hours of January 16. While the actor is still recovering, two photos are being shared by social media users with links to the incident.

The first photo was shared by Bharat Samachar as Khan’s ‘first picture’ from the hospital “talking to the driver on video call who saved his life”.

The second one shows a wounded Khan, claimed to be a photo of him after the attack.

However, these photos are OLD and EDITED

Let’s break them down one by one.

The first photo shows not Khan but someone else lying on a hospital bed. The original photo can be found on Pinterest without the identity of the person. Khan’s face has clearly been edited into this photo.

Additionally, the portrait of Bhajan Singh, the auto driver who drove Khan to the hospital has been added into the photo.

The second viral photo is actually a behind-the-scenes photo from Khan’s 2019 movie ‘Laal Kaptaan’. The injury marks on his face are makeup, not real injuries.

So, between the two viral images of Saif Ali Khan being shared online, one is edited and the other is from the sets of ‘Laal Kaptaan’.

As always, remember to verify before you share.

(This article was first posted by and re-shared by Deccan Chronicle as part of the Shakti Collective Fact Check initiative).

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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