
Benign Prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and Prostatitis Treatment via Dr Allen's Device

The device for the first time employ body energy to treat chronic prostatic diseases effectively

Dr Allen's Device treats benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and chronic pelvic pain at home by improving blood circulation in the prostate tissue, thus prevents men from contracting COVID-19 coronavirus.

Thermobalancing therapy with Dr Allen’s Device received a U.S. patent for chronic diseases treatment through utilised emitted body heat. Read more about how the device works in a scientific article: Innovative Thermobalancing therapy and Dr Allen's Device for the first time employ body energy to treat chronic prostatic diseases effectively, published by Springer Nature in a leading International Journal of Quality Innovation.

This article shows that the unique design of Dr Allen’s Device allows to utilise the emitted body heat and spreads it to the affected prostate, reducing the size of the enlarged prostate gland, relieving lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Thermobalancing therapy also provides chronic pelvic relief in men with chronic prostatitis / chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS).

Men with BPH or CP/CPPS should be careful when visiting clinics and hospitals

Since the coronavirus is transmitted from person to person, visiting hospitals or clinics is an unwanted danger to men. In addition, standard treatments, medications, and surgeries do not treat the affected prostate itself and often lead to new health problems.Men with CP/CPPS may be given long courses of antibiotics, which weaken the body, cause allergies, and suppress the immune system, even if there is no infection.

Prostate massage - can cause damage to the delicate tissue of the prostate, bleeding around the prostate, the formation of prostate stones, acute epididymitis, etc.

Anti-inflammatory drugs - can lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases, stomach ulcers, liver and kidney problems, etc.

Alpha blockers - can worsen men's quality of life, as these drugs cause impotence, retrograde ejaculation, depression, testicular pain and even dementia.

Hormonal drugs, 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors: finasteride, Avodart, responsible for irreversible side effects: impotence, depression, testicular pain and even diabetes.

Surgical interventions in men with BPH remove or destroy prostate tissue. All of them have unpleasant complications. As a result, approximately 25% of patients with BPH after minimally invasive surgery suffer from depression. Today, prostate surgery is prohibited for men with chronic prostatitis.

Dr Allen’s Device provides self-treatment at home for chronic prostate diseases

Dr Allen’s Device is used as self-management tool for non-cancerous prostate diseases treatment at home protecting men with BPH and chronic prostatitis from getting COVID-19 coronavirus in clinics and hospitals. Two clinical controlled trials on Thermobalancing therapy confirmed that Dr Allen's Device treats BPH and chronic pelvic pain by improving blood circulation in the prostate tissue.

Disclaimer: No Deccan Chronicle journalist was involved in creating this content. The group also takes no responsibility for this content.

( Source : Spotlight )
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