The Karakas play a significant role in the kundli, weighing 60% for good and bad results

How to match horoscopes, what is the correct method of matching kundli? There are many beliefs attached to it. The people of the latest generation have different opinions about matching the horoscopes before marriage. Since there are many thoughts attached to whether we should match horoscope, and if yes, how to match the horoscope? You read a case history below to decide yourself, if you should really match kundli/horoscope and if yes, how to match horoscope? Many say:
• Why should we match the horoscopes when we know each other?
• Can I marry without matching the kundli/horoscope?
• Does horoscope matching guarantee a successful marriage, and if not, why should we match horoscope?
• Is kundli matching necessary in a love marriage?
• Can horoscope matching change life after marriage?
If the answer is yes, we should match the horoscopes before marriage, then the most relevant question is how to match the horoscopes. Horoscope matching has another very misleading opinion. You search on online, and mostly you will find a universal opinion:
1. Matching score below 18, is not a good match, do not marry – Let me clarify if this is true: many might miss the best life partner forever.
2. If your matching score is above 18, go ahead and marry. Here again, you might marry someone whose actual compatibility with you is far below the required level.
Surprisingly, most people make decisions based on this mathematical calculation, which can be derived from any good software online. But can the overall traits that lay the foundation of two human lives be seen only using these mathematical results? Also, do such mathematical tools take into account the Navamsa or are simply based on the Lagna Charts?
No doubt, gun matching score is an integral element of a joyful union, but it is not the only determinant. Kundli/Gun Milan is just 10% of the overall compatibility between the two partners.
How many points are good for marriage
How many points are good for a marriage; can we marry if the matching score is less than 18: do 18 matching points make a marriage good? These are all different questions flowing around online and in people's mind also. Kundli matching points or Ashtakoot Gun matching is a crucial aspect of Indian marriages but it is only the starting point to check the overall compatibility between two persons. Checking overall compatibility even means compatibility of the two persons with the future extended family. So, simply making a decision based on a gun matching score (either way) is a gross mistake. Some people even do it to convince others that we got a good matching score. Pl do not do it.
Let us first understand why we match kundli for marriage. We match horoscopes to ensure compatibility between life partners. This includes matching compatibility at different levels:
• Physical
• Mental
• Spiritual
• Financial
The Ashtakoot Gun Milan is a detailed process that checks compatibility at eight levels, each assessing a specific aspect of compatibility between the partners as enumerated below:
1. Varna: Social compatibility (1 point)
2. Vashya: Dominance level (2 points)
3. Tara: Health and well-being (3 points)
4. Yoni: Sexual, physical compatibility (4 points)
5. GrahaMaitri: Compatibility of planetary positions (5 points)
6. Gana: Compatibility based on nature (6 points)
7. Bhakoot: Financial stability and family welfare (7 points)
8. Nadi: Genetic compatibility and progeny (8 points)
Now, let us assume that you get a lower score below 18 based on the D-1 on the above eight parameters and decide to forgo that alliance. You might be missing the best life partner. Because, has anyone checked the counterbalancing or cancelling effects of any major Dosha that reduces the matching score? Or you get an excellent score of 28/30 and decide to marry. But have you checked the compatibility between the two persons based on the Karakas of marriage? Many people do not know or do not want to discuss this.
Can marriage with 10.5 points be a good match – Yes.
Many say a matching score of below 18 is not good for marriage. But I say yes, a marriage below 18 points or even with 10.5/36 can be a good match. While doing it, I am fully conscious that my opinion will define the married life of two persons, their extended families and two dynasties. I am open to any comments/ criticism on this analysis from any expert in the field. Mind you, this is one of the examples. In the same way, I sometimes do not recommend any alliance, even with a 30 + matching score.
Girl – Ms ST 18/06/1997, 07:50 AM, Kanpur, UP
Boy - Mr. AB 25/08/1997, 14:25PM, Karad, Maharashtra
The Ashtakoot points were 10.5 out of 26. Traditionally, it was a clear no. However, look at how things take turns!
The horoscope matching showed two major Doshas: Nadi Dosha and Bhakoot Dosha.
After a careful analysis, we found that the Janam Nakshatra lords of both the girl and boy were Moon and Jupiter and thus friends, resulting cancellation of Nadi Dosha.
Then, the boy and girl's Moon signs were Taurus and Libra, respectively. These zodiac signs are ruled by the same planet, Venus, which shows an amiable relationship between the lords of the Moon signs of both parties. So, the Bhakoot Dosha also gets cancelled.
The initial score of 10.5 increased to 25.5 with the cancellation of Nadi and Bhakoot Dosha.
None is Manglik.
Now let's check the main factors of compatibility, the Karakas of marriage.
The Karakas play a significant role in the kundli, weighing 60% for good and bad results.
The karakas for marriage, i.e. Jupiter and Venus, were not well placed in the D-1 chart but got strength in the Navamsa or the D-9 charts.
This is something that most astrologers need to check. The compatibility began negatively but eventually reached a high score of 70% due to the cancellation of Dosha and Karaka matching.
My opinion was a go-ahead because any compatibility of around 70% is good if all the factors are checked as explained above.
The balance needs to be conquered with adaptability and adjustments which is a mandatory part of any marriage, even if the matching score was 36/36.
Essential for people who love/know each other. I gave my positive opinion of go-ahead because these two knew each other, liked each and wanted to marry. But the low score was holding the nod from the parents' side. My go-ahead made them extremely happy as it was all on record to share with anyone who had any different opinion on this. Of course, my opinion could have been different, if this was an arranged alliance. Don't get surprised but I mean it. Read more on how to match horoscope.
What if horoscopes don't match?
Many astrologers suggest performing remedies for major Doshas like Mangal Dosha, Nadi or Bhakoot Dosha and getting married if the charts don't match. I don't support it. With remedies, you cannot build a relationship & if it was so, probably there were no troubled marriages.
To conclude, do not consider matching horoscopes traditional rubbish. Understand its relevance in practical life, but do the matching the correct way. You may only gain and lose nothing. Any specific issue, connect with my office @ +91 9278555588/9278665588. God bless you with a happy marital bliss.
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