You can't time the gush of ideas: Mukul Kumar
The end is integral to what the writer wants to tell the readers

Mukul Kumar, an Indian railway traffic officer presently working with the ministry of railways, is as passionate about his profession as he is about writing. Taking forward his passion for penning his thoughts, Kumar wove together a fictional account of three boys and their journey of pursuing the Civil Services Exam. The author talks about his book As Boys Become Men, antidote for writer’s block and more.
When did the idea for your latest book germinate?
Though I have been writing my impressions on the subject of this fiction since the beginning 2014, it was only towards the end of December 2014 that I decided to take up writing a book of fiction. As regards the moments of inspiration, you can’t time the gush of ideas; they wake me up even at the dead hours of the night and amidst the thick of the crowd.
One fictional character close to your heart and why?
Mr Darcy of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Firstly, he is vain and generous at once and secondly, he knows why he is vain. I just love the characterisation of Mr Darcy.
Which is the best opening line in a book that you have ever read?
The opening line of Anna Karenina — ‘All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.’
What is your antidote for writer’s block?
Just let yourself flow along the process. Of course, reading and gathering the new experiences may stimulate the mind back into writing.
Ending of one popular book that you would have changed, if you were the author?
The end is integral to what the writer wants to tell the readers; the change may disturb the harmony and the flow of the story.