
Beautiful Decembers and wonderful Christmases hurt by cruel Covid

HYDERABAD: In the lingering season of winter, December is a wonderful month of fun and festivity. It brings memories of parties, holiday decorations, Christmas carols, the aroma of fresh plum cake, and much more. December, as the last month of the year, is also a time for reflection marking the conclusion of the year and ushering in the New Year with hearts overflowing with optimism and enthusiasm.

However, the past two Decembers have been mostly restrictive due to Covid-19 induced lockdowns and several curbs thereafter. Just as Hyderabadis are gearing up for a big celebration this year, news of an increase in Omicron sub-variant BF.7 cases around the world and even in the country has left some worried. Nonetheless, believing that the show must go on, the city is preparing for whatever is to come with a hope that “this too shall pass”.

Saloni Jain, whose year-ends are typically celebrated by ringing in the New Year at the city's most happening parties, has alternative plans this time. "While I believe the virus scare is mostly in our heads, it is important to be a responsible citizen while still having fun. This year, I intend to greet the New Year by myself; the gathering of people may have to wait,” said the event manager.

Richard Maddela, bassist for Elyzium, was preparing to play with his band at one of the most happening New Year's Eve parties in town in Gachibowli. "Of the little I know about the latest variant is that it hit the Chinese harder because of a 'weaker immunity'. I sincerely hope it's true.”

“However, we, the venue partners, management, and everyone else will take additional precautions to ensure a safe party,” the guitarist said. If the government decides to take tough measures to restrict the virus's spread, the band says they will comply since “nothing can be more important than people's health,” he said.

Sheryl Rebecca, an external audit associate, has been looking forward to going all out for her Christmas celebrations this year, but was disappointed to learn of a new variant. “I will have to wear a mask, maintain social distance, and avoid going out unless absolutely essential, but it'll be difficult to wish 'Merry Christmas' without a hug and a kiss," she said, adding that churches can help by enforcing these regulations.

Most other Christians stated they would attend the midnight and morning church services on Sunday, and that they would keep the elderly at home with access to online mass services.

Vox pop

After being part of celebrations amid Covid for two years, we're more prepared and subconsciously know how to have some healthy fun. Health is certainly a priority and so I will be ringing in my birthday and the New Year with my family at home.

Divya Pandey


I was looking forward to throwing a grand New Year bash with friends and family, but will refrain from doing so until we're all confident of being able to do so freely, with no fear in mind. It's okay to accept that we might have to live with it for a while now, so we can go back to what I call 'pandemic celebration mode, at open spaces, with masks on.

Krittika Sanjula

IT engineer

Though there's no word from the government yet, we are taking care to assure guests that they have nothing to fear, because a celebration sans physical interaction is sad. We hope things won't shut down, because it's also a great time for artistes across the city to earn some big bucks, some of whom couldn't throughout the year.

Vaibhav Modi

Events curator

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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