Viranica Manchu on Juggling Parenting, Business, and Traditions

In a candid conversation with Deccan Chronicle, Viranica Manchu, entrepreneur and wife of Tollywood actor Vishnu Manchu, gives us a peek into their bustling family life, revealing how they balance their careers and parenting. Viranica opens up about the rules that keep their home grounded, prioritising family time, staying true to traditions amid their hectic schedules.
Time for Family
Viranica reflects on the challenge of making time for family amidst their busy schedules. “One of us is always there while the other is travelling. But when we both have to travel, it’s a little bit of a break for kids as there are no rules as grandmother takes over,” says Viranica on how the busy couple manage to take time out for family.
Viranica adds that she is grateful for the support system they have. “It takes a village to raise four children while running two businesses. But I’m blessed to have a supportive family.”
Movie Buffs at Heart
Movies are a very part of their life. “I’m not a crazy movie buff, but with the kids, it’s inevitable. Any action movie that comes out, they want to watch it. Lately, my older twins, who are 12, have opened up to Indian language films. Before, they would only watch their dad’s movies," Viranica admits.
Surprise for Mohan Babu
Viranica says their daughter Ariana sprung a surprise performance for her Babu Thatha’s birthday. "The fact that she didn’t rehearse and just went up on stage in front of a huge audience left the entire family touched and proud.
Dining Table Rules
Dining together is a must in the Manchu household. “We have a rule that we always sit together to eat—two meals a day, breakfast and dinner, come what may, we eat together. It’s always fun and games. We never talk about work at the dining table, and phones are off," says Viranica.
The rule ensures quality family time, free from distractions. “Otherwise, it’s like a leash. People are constantly calling you. But if you give in, there’s no sacred time for family," she says.
Holiday Traditions
The Manchus cherish their holiday tradition. "During Christmas, we always travel. We usually do a minimum of two family holidays a year. If work demands travel and the children have a break, we take them with us," says Viranica.
Embracing Telugu Culture
The Manchus have ensured that her kids stay connected to their roots. “Both my father-in-law and my grandmother insist that we speak Telugu at home. Even the staff speaks Telugu. So my children have picked up the language."
Viranica also stresses upon the importance of maintaining culture. "Vishnu ensures we are always with the family during festivals, so the kids know everything about our traditions.”
Hands-On Parenting
The entrepreneur proudly describes Vishnu as a hands-on dad. "From changing diapers to night shifts, he’s been involved from day one. He’s very hands-on with the kids."
Excitement about Kannappa
With one of Vishnu’s biggest movies on the horizon, the entire family is excited. “We are excited about the movie release because as an actor, producer, and writer Vishnu worked on this project for 6-7 years. We hardly got to see him in the last two years. He was living and breathing that character."
Despite his hectic schedule, Vishnu has his way of staying connected with his kids. She says, “My son is all about Godzilla and Marvel. The girls are into Taylor Swift. Vishnu started listening to Taylor Swift’s songs just to feel closer to them.”
Looking Forward