Breast implant surgery becomes new rage among financially independent women

Hyderabad: The number of breast implant surgeries in the city has nearly doubled in the past decade, according to doctors. They attribute this to social conditioning prevalent in the country, the abundance of online resources and social media platforms, as well as growing financial independence among women.
In Hyderabad, at least 25–30 breast enhancement surgeries are being performed each month, up from 10-15 a decade ago. This figure may rise even further as more and more women become financially independent, said doctors.
Doctors have noticed an increase in the number of women in their 20s and 30s choosing to have breast implant surgeries.
"Some young working women are worried about their body proportions and desire to have larger sized breasts to look appealing. There is a wealth of information available on the internet about this procedure. Additionally, social media has a significant influence on them,” said consultant plastic surgeon Dr Sandhya Balasubramanyam.
Breast enhancement or augmentation surgery is a procedure where silicone implants are placed under the breast gland or chest muscles to increase the size of breast. Typically, the procedure is done through an incision below the breast fold. However, the scar can be hidden by a transaxillary approach. The result is larger, scar-free breasts that look natural.
Patients who have these operations fall into one of two categories, according to plastic surgeon Dr Rajesh Vasu. The first is women who attain a marriageable age in order to look better before their wedding. The second category of women are those who come post pregnancy.