Deaf and mute Delhi café educates people about sign-language while dining
Cafe Hearken is run by servers who are hearing-impaired and even take orders in signs

The differently-abled have a tougher life than most of us in our daily lives and there are not many that jobs that suit their abilities. A café in Delhi is run by deaf and mute servers who help people order their food. The café also teaches people sign-language so that they can talk to other people they meet every day.
According to a media report, Hearken Café in a suburb in Shahpur Jat has servers that are deaf and mute and only interact with their diners in sign language. The café co-owned by Smriti Nagpal concentrates on the theme of listening and ordering and wants many more people to learn sign language so that they can deal with deaf and mute people. When the café gets busy, the café relies on its interiors and menu to help people interact with the waiters. There are various framed hand instructions and the menu has other ways to place one’s order while at the restaurant.
The restaurant has given many of the servers a new lease to life at work as they have previously faced a variety of problems otherwise. The café takes it a step further and holds sign-language classes for anybody who is willing to learn. Playing on the theme, Nagpal and her co-founder cousin, Virat also conduct a variety of events for their employees along with mime acts for the diners for entertainment.