
Niki Hingad on Unlocking the Potential of Essential Oils

Meet Niki Hingad, the founder of Thetapegaasi. She is also an internationally acclaimed artist and a pranic healer recognised by the Art Society of India. In an exclusive conversation with Deccan Chronicle, Niki talks about her journey and the importance of holistic wellness.


How do you balance your artistic background with your expertise in Pranic healing to create effective essential oil blends that promote holistic wellness?

Both my art practices and the healing had the purpose of taking the soul on a soul searching journey. Hence it is one thing, leading to another, going hand-in-hand. This got added with a social response of giving back to the society. What is needed? This all got chained together, got interlinked. That’s how Thetapegaasi started.

Can you share a personal experience or success story that inspired you to create Thetapegaasi, and how did your experience with the pandemic influence your mission?

I used to make use of Essential Oils in my healing cases, since 15 years and people have been cured of chronic anxiety and depression with the simple use of lavender on their solar plexus, ‘A Chakra linked with all the emotions’. Sometimes the use of Essentials is a magical recovery for them. During the pandemic, it was very visible that society will need the use of something easy and potent that can cure them of the physical and mental emotional ailments. Essentials can do it very effectively in a very easy way.

How do you ensure the quality and purity of your Essential Oils, and what sets Thetapegaasi apart from other brands in the market?

At Thetapegaasi we are using pure hundred percent natural Essential Oils procured from indigenous places across the world. For example, lavender comes from Bulgaria. Our tea tree is from Australia and likewise we are sitting at the inventory of more than 40 pure Essentials of all ethically procured of all highest grades. After the procurement, we Crystal heal them to enhance their potency. This knowledge is unique and specifically linked to our Pranic healing practices. Understanding the Prana of each Essential, these Essentials are then later used to prepare Theta blends to work on lifestyle issues, such as insomnia, headache, digestion, anxiety, stress, and many other lifestyle issues. They are very effective when used in day-to-day practices.

Your brand emphasizes the combination of Essential Oils with Crystal Energy. Can you explain the science behind this approach and how it enhances the therapeutic benefits of the oils?

Pranically speaking, all these Essential Oils have an enormous deeper healing capabilities, the knowledge of which is given to a Pranic healer in the specific courses. This knowledge is further expanded and explodes with one’s expertise and experience, which is what we have tried to get in Thetapegaasi and give to the world. Essentials get purified and their healing properties amplify enormously when they are being subjected to crystal healing to bring out the best.

How do you see Thetapegaasi evolving in the future, and what new products or initiatives can customers expect from the brand?

Thetapegaasi is the need of the hour, especially after the pandemic many people have faced challenges. Depletion of their energy levels, their emotions, and mental upheavals are very predominant. The daily use of these essentials is highly therapeutic, bringing back their Homeostasis or so called bringing balance into their lives and normalizing the Chakras.

As an artist and healer, how do you think creativity and wellness intersect, and how does Thetapegaasi reflect this intersection in its products and mission?

Creativity is the foundation of every aspect of life—whether it's cooking that earns a Michelin star or innovating new solutions. At Thetapegaasi, we've harnessed this creativity in Essential Oils with healing to develop an effective way to enhance and heal daily life. Our Roll-On Essentials are designed to address various most common lifestyle issues like stress, insomnia and other health concerns, bringing positive change to people's lives.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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