
Follow these Strategies to say good-byes to back pain!

In an era where technology dominates our lives, lower back pain (LBP) has emerged as a significant health challenge. Static posture puts a lot of strain on the spine, and high stress levels affect muscle tension which can cause several issues, such as sciatica, disc herniation, and postural changes.

The Trap of Sedentary Lifestyle

Unlike our ancestors, who were accustomed to physical activity. Modern lifestyles and the digital revolution have transformed our lifestyles, extended screen time (average 8-10 hours daily), and prolonged sitting in non-ergonomic positions put undue stress on the lower back muscles, resulting in pain, stiffness, and fatigue. The lack of exercise exacerbates the problem, weakening muscles and contributing to poor posture.

Strategies to Maintain a Healthy Spine

Even though it's difficult to eradicate sedentary behavior and lifestyle in today's world, taking the following precautions can greatly lessen your chance of developing Lower Back Pain (LBP): -

Mindful Posture: Throughout the day, be mindful of your posture. Keep your spine neutral and refrain from slouching and hunching.

Ergonomic Setup: Make sure the layout of your workstation is ergonomic. Adjust the screen height to eye level, use a chair with lumbar support, and keep your feet flat on the floor.

Frequent Breaks: Adopt the 20-20 rule. Stand up every 20 minutes for 20 seconds, desk stretches (gentle back bends, seated spinal twists, shoulder blade squeezes. Your lower back might be relieved by even a small change in posture.

Develop Core Muscles: Your spine is supported by a strong core. Include exercises that develop muscle strength like plank, barbell deadlift, etc.

Enhance Flexibility: You can keep your hamstrings and lower back flexible by stretching. To stretch your entire body, try yoga or Pilates.

Weight management: Carrying too much weight might strain your lower back. By eating a balanced diet and by regularly exercising maintain a healthy weight.

Limit Screen Time: Prolonged use of screens can lead to strained muscles and bad posture. Limit how much time you spend on screens and take pauses to do other things.

Speak with a Healthcare Professional: If the pain is persistent in the lower back for more than 2 weeks, morning stiffness for more than 30 minutes, radiating pain to the legs, and numbness and tingling, speak with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and treatment strategy.

Sleep time and Hydration: Ensure adequate sleep time between 7-8 hours. Stay hydrated (minimum of 2-3 liters daily).

A Comprehensive Strategy

Lower back discomfort is largely caused by physical issues, but it's important to consider other variables as well. Pain symptoms may worsen as a result of stress, anxiety, and inadequate sleep. Include stress-reduction practices in your everyday routine, such as deep breathing or meditation. You can greatly lessen the risk of developing lower back pain (LBP) and enhance your general quality of life by taking a comprehensive approach that considers both your physical and mental health. Keep in mind that it’s time to prioritize your spine health. Call nSure Healthy Spine for preventive care and get onto the journey to a healthier and more active you.

Authored by:

Dr. Suman Tadagonda, Sports Medicine Physician, Specialist in Spine and Athletes Health, nSure Healthy Spine

( Source : Guest Post )
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