
International Yoga Day: Inspiring Women to Prioritize Their Health

Hyderabad: In a conversation with Saurabh Bothra, CEO and Certified Yoga Instructor at Habuild, we discussed the Yoga Mahotsav 2024's theme for International Yoga Day, “Yoga for Women Empowerment.” Saurabh shares insights into his mission to prioritize women's health, the transformative power of yoga, and how the community plans to celebrate International Yoga Day. He also discusses challenges women face in prioritizing their well-being, the benefits of a sattvic diet, and his initiatives for a healthier planet.

The Yoga Mahotsav 2024’s theme for International Yoga Day is Yoga for Women Empowerment- What plans do you have for your community and how will you be celebrating the day?

Habuild was created with the mission to help women prioritize themselves—it’s at the heart of everything we do. The inspiration struck during the pandemic when I saw my mom tirelessly juggling multiple responsibilities, believing that household chores were enough exercise. Sadly, this mindset is common among many Indian women.

The institution emerged from this realization, aiming to make exercise simple and accessible so it seamlessly fits into their daily routines. To help with this, we started the ‘Yoga Everyday’ initiative to make yoga a habit, available to all, and overcome time constraints.

To celebrate International Yoga Day, we are aiming for our third world record, joining forces with numerous women who have decided to put their health first. This is more than just an event; it's a movement to remind everyone to prioritize their well-being and choose health - not just on International Yoga Day, but every single day. Yoga is a way of life, and I encourage everyone to live it to the fullest.

Women prioritize other matters more than their own health. How true is this and have you seen this change in your yoga class?

This is incredibly true. Women are the backbone of every household, contributing to everything but often putting themselves last. I've seen this firsthand, and I'm sure you've experienced it too!

But we are proud to be a platform that inspires women to put themselves first and prioritize their well-being. We understand the time constraints they face, so we focus on making exercise easy to integrate into their routines. Our goal is to help them see that their health should always come first.

Our primary focus is to inspire them to allocate at least 5-10 minutes a day for themselves. Once they begin and realize it’s doable, it naturally becomes a HABIT.

It's incredibly rewarding to see the transformation. Women who once felt they had no time for themselves are now embracing yoga and making their well-being a priority. It's a powerful shift, and we’re here to support them every step of the way.

Share some of the tips for homemakers whose physical and mental health is taken for granted by many across India. How can they keep their health in check?

The first and most crucial step is for homemakers to take full responsibility for their own health. While we're here to support and guide them, the decision ultimately lies in their hands. Once they make the commitment to show up for themselves, everything becomes easier.

Making health a habit is key. Start by dedicating just a few minutes each day to physical activity and mindfulness practices. Consistency is key - showing up daily, even for a short time, can have a profound impact on both physical and mental well-being.

It's also essential to prioritize self-care and set boundaries. Homemakers often put the needs of others before their own, but they must remember that their health matters too. Whether it's carving out time for exercise, meditation, or simply taking a break, they deserve to prioritize themselves.

What are some of the challenges in sticking to a good routine and how can one maintain consistency?

Sticking to a routine can be tough. One major hurdle is fixating on the end results rather than the process itself. It’s crucial to start small and focus on the daily actions rather than the distant benefits. Celebrate each step forward and prioritize consistency over perfection.

Another challenge is maintaining motivation. Accountability is key! Partner up with a friend, join a group, or use apps to track progress.

Surrounding yourself with support keeps you on track, even on tough days. Our community provides this support, where like-minded individuals come together with one motive - prioritizing health.

Can yoga be introduced to kids? If yes, how and by what age?

Oh absolutely! Yoga can be introduced to kids, and it can be incredibly beneficial for their physical and mental well-being and growth. The age at which children can start practicing yoga varies, but generally, they can begin as early as preschool age - that’s when they start learning language and more about the human body.

Yoga for kids should be approached in a fun and engaging manner, incorporating playful poses, games, and storytelling to keep them interested.

One of the most effective ways is through the example set by their parents, particularly their mothers. Children often mimic the behaviors they see at home, so if a mother practices yoga regularly, it's highly likely that her children will follow suit.

Some healthy habit-building tips for kids and youngsters dealing with anxiety and stress?

Pranayama! Let me tell you why—

See, Pranayama is all about slow, intentional breaths that require a bit of patience. The more we practice, the more patient we naturally become. Cultivating patience in this way can help them better cope with feelings of anxiety and stress.

In addition to pranayama, establishing a regular mindfulness or meditation practice can also be helpful. Encouraging kids to take breaks throughout the day to pause, breathe, and check in with how they’re feeling can build emotional awareness.

Teaching kids healthy coping strategies, such as journaling, creative expression, or spending time in nature, empowers them to manage their stress in constructive ways.

Tell us about Habuild and what are some of the brand plans keeping women and kids in mind?

Habuild stands as India’s pioneering habit-building platform, serving as the bridge between starting a fitness journey and making health and wellness a daily habit.

We understand the barriers many women face, whether it’s a lack of access to traditional gyms, time constraints, or feelings of self-consciousness. The community was born from the need to provide women with access to exercise and empower them to prioritize their own well-being.

We provide a supportive environment where every woman feels empowered to take charge of her health.

And we also recognize the crucial link between a mother’s health and her child’s well-being - a healthy mom means a healthy family. That’s why we offer summer camps and yoga sessions specifically tailored for kids, ensuring they too have the tools and knowledge to lead healthy, fulfilling lives.

Benefits of introducing a sattvic diet? Share your experience from the IIT days when you found a Satvik mess.

There's a saying, "जैसाअन्न, वैसामन," which translates to "what you eat, so your mind will be.

Back in my IIT days, the food options were often unhealthy, and many times, I had to eat outside the canteen. This challenge led me to gather a team and start a Satvik mess.

It required investing our time, effort, and money, but it was absolutely worth it. The Satvik mess provided us with wholesome, nourishing meals that fueled our bodies and minds

It’s crucial to understand that no amount of physical exercise or yoga will truly benefit you if you’re not mindful of what you put into your body.

Saurabh Bothra, CEO, Habuild

We learnt that Habuild is planting trees for International Yoga Day and helping the environment as well. Tell us more about this initiative?

In 2024, the world witnessed one of the most intense and longest heat waves in the past 100-120 years. This highlighted just how crucial a healthy environment is for our well-being.

We believe that a healthy planet is essential for our well-being. This is why sustainability is at the heart of our mission. We asked our participants to invite 5 friends and we will plant a tree on their behalf. This not only helps create a greener planet but also motivates our community to spread the word about healthy living.

By taking part in this initiative, we’re collectively contributing to a more sustainable future and reinforcing the message that our health is deeply connected to the health of our environment.

There is an increase in the number of enrolments ahead of Yoga Day- is this model sustainable? How do you retain the new joinees, share from your past experience?

We have noticed that about 50% of the people who start with our free challenge stick with yoga even after the big day. What makes them stay? Well, we've developed a robust mechanism to transform their initial motivation into a long-term habit.

Through personalized support, accountability structures, and engaging content, we keep participants inspired and committed to their practice. We ensure that every new member feels supported and motivated, creating a community where they can thrive.

A yoga day message for our readers?

Don’t confine yoga to just International Yoga Day. It’s not just an activity—it’s a way of life.

By incorporating yoga into your routine, you empower yourself to lead a healthier, more BALANCED life.

Join us to make it a daily habit and watch yoga become your constant companion, guiding you towards physical strength, mental clarity, and inner peace every single day.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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