World Diabetes Day

World Diabetes Day, observed annually on November 14, raises global awareness about diabetes and emphasizes the need for accessible care. India, known as the "Diabetes Capital of the World," faces a growing challenge, with a recent study by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) revealing that 101 million Indians have diabetes, while 136 million are pre-diabetic. This highlights the importance of adopting effective diabetes management strategies, particularly through dietary changes and the food we eat. One such approach is incorporating nutritious foods like almonds, in which contain 15 essential nutrients, including protein, unsaturated fats, and dietary fiber, nutrients that help maintain blood sugar levels.
Research shows that almonds can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels, improve blood sugar control in people with type 2 diabetes, and lower the blood sugar impact of carbohydrate-rich foods, which in turn affects fasting insulin levels. It is also shown that consuming almonds may help reduce inflammation in those with type-2 diabetes.
A recent study led by Dr. Anoop Misra, Professor and Chairman at Fortis-C-DOC Centre of Excellence for Diabetes, Metabolic Diseases, and Endocrinology (New Delhi), found that snacking on almonds before meals significantly improved blood sugar control in Asian Indians with prediabetes and overweight/obesity. Notably, nearly one-quarter of the participants reversed prediabetes within just 12 weeks. Additionally, another study[3] in India revealed that almonds helped in reducing HbA1c levels (blood test that measures the average blood sugar (glucose) levels over the past 2-3 months) in adolescents and young adults at risk of developing diabetes, achieving notable results in just 12 weeks. The study suggests that almonds can serve as a nutritious alternative to typical snack choices and can be part of a food-based strategy aimed at preventing or delaying the onset of diabetes, especially in the younger population.
This makes almonds a great choice and a must add to daily diet in order to help manage blood sugar levels. These nutrient-dense nuts are incredibly versatile as they can be enjoyed in various forms.
Nutrition and Wellness Consultant, Sheela Krishnaswamy, said, “Diabetes is on the rise in India, largely due to a sedentary lifestyle and poor dietary habits. It is recommended to modify diets to include natural foods rich in protein, unsaturated fats, and dietary fiber. Almonds are an excellent inclusion to everyone’s daily diet, as they contain some of the nutrients that help manage blood sugar levels. They also have a low glycemic index which does not cause a spike in blood sugar levels. The best part is that almonds are extremely versatile and can be consumed at any time of day and in various forms while still being highly nutritious.”
Ritika Samaddar, Regional Head – Dietetics, Max Healthcare, Delhi, said, “For individuals with diabetes, I recommend modifying their diet to prioritize protein, fiber, and complex carbohydrates while reducing refined sugars, unhealthy fats, and excess calories. A diet rich in pulses, nuts like almonds, green leafy vegetables, and whole grains can effectively help control sugar spikes. Choosing almonds as a healthy snack option, rather than relying on unhealthy, sugary foods that can quickly raise blood sugar levels, is a smart decision. I always suggest carrying a box of almonds to maintain healthy snacking habits on the go.”
Bollywood actress Soha Ali Khan, said, “For me, a healthy body is the foundation of a happy mind. I am extremely mindful about planning my meals and my family's meals, ensuring we incorporate nutritious foods to maintain our health. I avoid sugary foods, as they can quickly spike blood sugar levels and derail my fitness goals. Instead of snacking on unhealthy, fried, or oily foods, I choose nutritious options like almonds, which help maintain blood sugar levels and improve overall health. These nutritious nuts prevent cravings for unhealthy snacks.”
Dr. Rohini Patil, MBBS, and Nutritionist, said, “For individuals looking to keep their blood sugar levels in check, I recommend incorporating foods rich in protein and fiber. Almonds are an excellent option, as they are packed with essential nutrients and offer a variety of health benefits. Regularly consuming almonds can help lower the blood sugar impact of carbohydrate foods when eaten together, positively influencing fasting insulin levels. In fact, even the recent dietary guidelines for Indians, released by the ICMR-NIN, recommend the regular consumption of almonds as part of a balanced diet, recognizing them as an excellent source of plant protein and a healthy snack option.”
This World Diabetes Day let's prioritize mindful food choices and include nutrient-rich options like almonds in our diet to help manage blood sugar levels and support overall health.