
Now put an end to Migraine Misery with Aromatherapy

Have you ever suffered from a severe throbbing headache that lasts for hours? Then, you may be suffering from migraine. A migraine is an intense headache accompanied by throbbing pain, stiff neck, tunnel vision, nausea, appetite loss, and sensitivity to light and sound. These severe headaches can significantly impact one's daily life. Enduring this debilitating pain can be worrisome, but aromatherapy can be your ray of hope, rescuing you from migraine headaches.

Before we discuss how aromatherapy can help in combating migraine headaches, let's identify the causes that lead to these headaches.

Migraines can be triggered by various factors, including hormonal fluctuations, particularly in women, where recognizing and managing these changes can help minimize headaches. Dietary choices like consuming aged cheeses or drinking excessive caffeine and alcohol can act as triggers. Making mindful eating habits crucial for migraine control. Stress is a significant contributor, as it can lead to tension headaches that escalate into migraines, highlighting the importance of adopting stress management techniques. Additionally, sleep deprivation and excessive sleep can contribute to migraine onset, which makes it essential to develop healthy sleeping patterns.

Ways Aromatherapy Can Help in Combating Migraine

Aromatherapy offers a natural remedy to combat migraine. The essential oils used in aromatherapy can be inhaled, applied, or incorporated into bath rituals to provide therapeutic benefits and deal with the debilitating effects of migraines. Let's explore some essential oils that can aid in migraine relief:

Peppermint Oil:

With its cooling effect and expectorant properties, peppermint oil can ease congestion, soothe headache symptoms, alleviate muscle pain, and promote relaxation.

Lavender Oil:

Known for its anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, lavender oil can ease pain, reduce stress and anxiety (common migraine triggers), and improve sleep quality.

Eucalyptus Oil:

If sinus congestion contributes to your headaches, eucalyptus oil can help open the airways, allowing for relaxation and relief from migraine.

Rosemary Oil:

With properties like antimicrobial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and neuroprotective properties, rosemary oil can enhance memory, relieve pain, reduce stress, and improve mood.

Chamomile Oil: This versatile oil can improve sleep patterns, reduce anxiety, relax tense muscles, and alleviate migraine symptoms, making it a widely used healing aid.

How to Use Essential Oils for Migraine Relief

The Eucalyptus, Peppermint, and Rosemary Oil Blend:

1. Combine two drops each of eucalyptus, peppermint, and rosemary oil in a bowl of ice-cold water.
2. Dip a face towel in the mixture, squeeze out the excess water, and apply it to the back of your neck below the skull.
3. Repeat the application till the migraine subsides.

The Lavender, Marjoram, and Basil Oil Blend:
1. Mix five drops of lavender oil, 2 drops of marjoram oil, and 2 drops of basil oil.
2. Apply the blend-infused towel to the neck area until relief is achieved.

The Peppermint and Lavender Blend:

1. Combine 3 drops of peppermint oil, 5 drops of lavender oil, and 10 ml of almond oil.
2. Gently massage the neck's temples, forehead, and back for cooling and calming effects.

The Lavender and Rosemary Blend:

1. Mix 5 drops of lavender oil, 2 drops of rosemary oil, and 10 ml of almond oil.
2. Massage into the scalp and temples to reduce stress, improve circulation, and relieve pain.

While essential oils are generally considered safe, using them with proper guidance is crucial. Consulting with a qualified aromatherapist or healthcare professional can ensure the appropriate selection, dilution, and application of essential oils. By embracing aromatherapy and understanding the factors triggering migraine, individuals can benefit from nature's healing powers.

By Rupal Shabnam Tyagi, Aromatherapy Expert, Perfumer, and Co-founder of Wikka

( Source : Guest Post )
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