
Yoga is the answer

On World Yoga Day, the Hyderabad Chronicle spoke to some of the most prominent people across the country whose lives changed for the better with yoga

Crisis, pain, and difficulties are part and parcel of everyday life. Only those who can tap their inner strengths and build the potential to fight through the suffering and keep up that confidence are the ones who emerge stronger, resilient, and happy. Yoga is the only way to achieve it all.

If you still haven’t, it’s time to embrace the power of yoga—tthe only way to link us with our inner strength.
SH: ‘Spirituality, intertwined with yoga, provided me with a deeper understanding of life’s purpose’
Yash Birla, industrialist
Yash Birla, an Indian industrialist and scion of the Birla family empire, underwent a transformative journey through yoga and spirituality after experiencing personal tragedies and challenges. His immersion into yoga and spiritual practices became a cornerstone in his life, offering solace and a path to healing.
“Yoga transcends exercise; it is a scientific discipline that harmonises body and breath. Integrating with prana through pranayama, yoga aims to connect deeply with the soul, fostering holistic well-being and spiritual growth,” says Yash.
Through yoga’s physical postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), and meditation, Yash found a means to manage stress, cultivate inner peace, and enhance mental clarity.
“Spirituality, intertwined with yoga, provided me with a deeper understanding of life's purpose and a connection to higher consciousness. This holistic approach not only revitalised my physical health but also nurtured my emotional and spiritual well-being,” says the industrialist.
One inspiring tale from Yash’s life revolves around his resilience in the face of adversity. Despite experiencing personal tragedies, including the loss of close family members in a tragic plane crash, Yash emerged stronger and more determined. “I turned to yoga and spirituality as pillars of strength, embracing their transformative power to navigate grief and find inner peace.”
Through his journey, Yash exemplifies the ability to rise above challenges and find meaning in life’s setbacks. “By integrating yoga into my daily life, I not only transformed my own well-being but also inspired many to prioritise holistic health and inner balance amidst life’s uncertainties,” says Yash, whose story encourages individuals to embrace adversity as an opportunity for personal growth and spiritual evolution, illustrating the profound impact of resilience and perseverance on the human spirit.
SH: ‘Once I embraced it, yoga became indispensable’
Nirvaan Birla, Managing Director of Birla Open Minds Education Pvt Ltd
Yash’s son Nirvaan Birla too swears by Yoga. Coming from a spiritually inclined family, he was introduced to yoga at an early age, emphasising overall well-being. “Initially, it felt challenging, but once I embraced it, yoga became indispensable. The benefits extend beyond the physical; they profoundly impact the mind,” says Nirvaan.
Through yoga, he achieved greater focus and agility, enriching his mental and physical health in immeasurable ways. “At Birla Open Minds Education Pvt. Ltd., we recognise the significance of yoga and have integrated it into our curriculum through the graded subject Soul Science. This approach ensures that students, from an early age, appreciate the importance of internal well-being.”
One of the most inspiring experiences, says Nirvaan, is the International Yoga Festival held every March in Rishikesh, which the Birla family attends almost every year. “With hundreds of yoga camps and instructors from around the globe teaching diverse yoga techniques, breathwork, sound healing, and asanas, it’s a hub of learning,” says Nirvaan, adding that each visit feels like being a kid in a candy store, absorbing wisdom from various gurus and hearing their stories. “It’s a top-tier, inspiring experience.”
SH: ‘Yoga gave me the ability to face all the obstacles with ease’
— Payal Gidwani Tiwari, fitness and yoga expert in Bollywood and the author of Body Goddess: The Complete Guide to Yoga for Women
It’s been over 20 years that Payal has been doing yoga. “And as you keep doing it for years and years together, you realise how you’ve changed as an individual, how strong you’ve become from within, and how you know how to face every situation that is coming into your life with more ease, strength, vigour, power, and awareness,” she says.
The inner strength and power of yoga enabled Payal to face all the difficulties in her everyday life. “Yoga is an internal journey. It is a journey that you feel all throughout your life. And every obstacle in our lives, you can fight with awareness if you do yoga.“
With all the obstacles and challenges that came into Payal’s life, including several deaths in her family, yoga showed her the way. “I have continuously been doing yoga for my well-being, inner self, inner power, peace of mind, stability in life, understanding people in a much better way, letting people be the way they want to be, and the way I want to be.”
All these things just shield you. I have gone through so much in the past two years. I cannot mention everything, but yes, I’ve really gone through a lot, and yoga has really changed me. That power has given me the ability to face all the obstacles with ease.
SH: ‘Yoga reconnected me with my body, enabling me to return to the dance floor’
— Shinjini Kulkarni, Kathak Dancer
As a Kathak dancer, Shinjini Kulkarni’s life is an intricate blend of rhythm, movement, and grace. “However, an injury once threatened to steal my passion and livelihood, casting a shadow over my world. It was during this trying time that I discovered yoga, a practice that became my beacon of hope,” says the granddaughter of Kathak maestro Pt. Birju Maharaj.
Through yoga, she not only found physical rehabilitation but also a profound mental and spiritual awakening. “The asanas helped restore my strength and flexibility, while the meditative practices nurtured resilience and inner peace. Yoga reconnected me with my body, enabling me to return to the dance floor with renewed vigour.“
Today, she dances with deeper awareness and gratitude, embodying the harmony that yoga has infused into her life. “On this International Yoga Day, I celebrate the transformative power of yoga, a testament to the indomitable spirit that overcomes adversity and finds joy in the rhythm of life.”
SH: ‘Yoga is a lifeline for people who are struggling with chronic pain or loss of movement’
-Shivam Dixit, co-founder and CEO of Counsel India
As someone passionate about mental health, Shivam has seen innumerable tales of how hardship can unleash the human spirit’s unbreakable strength. “I am reminded on this International Yoga Day of how yoga has helped many people get through their darkest moments by acting as a beacon of light.”
Living with physical pain and losing mobility and freedom are struggles that put our personalities and courage to the ultimate test, he feels. “However, we frequently find our greatest sources of hope and strength at these times of extreme suffering. Yoga is a comprehensive practice that treats the mind, body, and spirit. Yoga is a lifeline for people who are struggling with chronic pain or loss of movement,” he says.
“We must look deep within ourselves when a crisis arises. Through this process of inner discovery, yoga enabled me to find new hope, resilience, and happiness by connecting with my inner strength.”
It taught him to accept our frailties, channel our suffering into strength, and maintain composure in the face of chaos. “Many people have discovered a fresh sense of purpose and the bravery to keep going through yoga. At Counsel India, we are proponents of yoga’s transformational effects on mental health,” informs Shivam.
Yoga strengthens our inner connections, improves our ability to regulate our emotions, and helps us have a good attitude in life.
SH: ‘Yoga transformed my life, allowing me to leave behind my stressful business pursuits’
— Kuldeep Negi, Olympic weightlifting and power yoga expert
Kuldeep comes from a family with a strong emphasis on fitness. “My younger brother was always dedicated to yoga, but during my college years and early business ventures, I neglected my well-being, leading to stress, sleeplessness, and an unbalanced lifestyle. Frustrated, I sought an escape and found inspiration in my brother’s happy and healthy life,” he informs.
Kuldeep began with basic Surya Namaskar and meditation, eventually transitioning to power yoga. “This practice transformed my life, allowing me to leave behind my stressful business pursuits. Today, I am a power yoga trainer and an inspiration to many who seek to escape a demanding lifestyle,” smiles Kuldeep.
By committing to yoga, he achieved significant personal growth. “I also ventured into Olympic lifting and maintained a rigorous fitness schedule, rising at 4:30 AM to start my day with yoga,” he says.
Practicing yoga daily and training others has brought him peace, fitness, and success.
SH: ‘Yoga transformed my life for the better!’
-Praveen Bidhuri, a fitness expert
As a young adult, Praveen had many bad habits, including a disrupted sleep schedule, a poor diet, and frequent partying. “This lifestyle led to irritation, irresponsible behaviour, frustration, and a lack of direction. Despite coming from a business-oriented family, I was not contributing to our ventures. However, I eventually realised that I was on the wrong path and needed to make a change,” he says.
A friend suggested that he start by waking up early and practicing yoga. “From the first week of my yoga routine, I noticed positive changes in my body and mind, which motivated me to continue. Power yoga, in particular, significantly contributed to a more balanced life,” says Praveen.
With newfound energy and focus, he began excelling in the family business. “Today, I manage two businesses: our family enterprise and my own gym, where I also train others in yoga. Yoga has made my life easier, happier, and strengthened my mind,” he says, adding that it keeps him refreshed, enabling him to work every day with a clear mind and consistently develop new plans for the future.
SH: A spiritual discipline
— Lata Reddy, homemaker
Yoga is a spiritual discipline that enhances your overall health in areas such as balance, heart, breathing, arthritis, back pain, sleeping disorders, and eye vision. Although yoga originated in India, it has gained widespread popularity in many other countries, particularly among the younger generation, as it significantly improves their overall health.
( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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