
Reproductive freedom: more Indian women opting for egg freezing

India has seen a dramatic shift in cultural attitudes on reproductive choices and women's empowerment in recent years. One trend that has gained traction is the growing number of Indian women opting to freeze their eggs in order to preserve their fertility and avoid the pressures of the so-called 'appropriate timing’ for motherhood. This tendency is a direct result of India's evolving social, economic, and cultural backdrop, which gave birth to the concept of reproductive freedom.

Indian society has traditionally put a high value on early marriage and childbirth. Women were expected to settle down and start families at a young age, frequently at the expense of their personal and professional goals. However, with the advent of globalisation, urbanisation, and expanded educational options for women, the landscape has undergone a transformation. More women are pursuing higher education, establishing careers, and becoming financially independent before considering marriage and motherhood.

Why is egg freezing relevant in today’s day and age?

Before considering marriage and motherhood, more women are seeking higher education, establishing careers, and being financially independent.

A contradiction between traditional conventions and individual aspirations has developed from the shift in society expectations. Women now confront the difficult task of reconciling personal objectives with familial and cultural obligations. This battle is most visible when deciding on the 'perfect time' to have a kid. Pressure to adhere to society norms frequently leads to rash judgements or compromises that can have long-term effects on a woman's physical, mental, and professional well-being.

Who is setting the trend?

The endorsement of egg freezing by celebrities like Priyanka Chopra, Mona Singh, Diana Hayden and others has hugely contributed to eradicating the stigma associated with delayed marriage and motherhood. Their influence has helped reshape societal norms and create an environment where women can make decisions without fear of judgment or scrutiny. Their impact has contributed to the reshaping of societal standards and the creation of an environment in which women can make decisions without fear of judgement or scrutiny. There are several celebrities who have come out and promoted egg freezing.

How it is pro women empowerment?

Egg freezing has emerged as a powerful tool that provides women with greater control over their reproductive choices. The process involves retrieving a woman's eggs, freezing them, and storing them for future use. By preserving their eggs at a young age, women can extend their fertility window and have the flexibility to start a family at a time that aligns with their personal circumstances and aspirations.

The increasing popularity of egg freezing among Indian women can be attributed to various factors. Firstly, education and awareness campaigns have played a crucial role in disseminating information about the procedure, its benefits, and its safety. As more women become aware of the option, they are empowered to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.

Advancements in medical technology and improvements in the egg freezing process have made it a more viable and reliable option. As the success rates of fertility treatments improve, women are more inclined to consider egg freezing as a means of preserving their fertility.

The changing dynamics of Indian families have contributed to this trend. With the rise of nuclear families and increased mobility, women are often living away from their extended families. This physical distance has provided them with a certain degree of autonomy and freedom to make decisions without constant interference or pressure from family members.

Changing social attitudes towards marriage and childbirth have also played a role in the increasing acceptance of egg freezing. Society is slowly acknowledging that women should have the right to choose when and if they want to start a family. This cultural shift is gradually eroding the stigma associated with delayed marriage and motherhood.

Challenges of egg freezing:

It is important to acknowledge that egg freezing is not without its challenges. The procedure can be expensive, making it inaccessible to a large section of society. Moreover, the success rates of egg freezing decline with age, highlighting the importance of educating women about the optimal time to freeze their eggs. It is crucial to have open discussions about fertility preservation options, including their limitations and potential risks, so that women can make well-informed choices.

To encourage the trend of egg freezing and support women in their reproductive choices, policymakers and healthcare providers need to play an active role. Government initiatives that provide financial assistance for fertility preservation, as well as the inclusion of egg freezing in health insurance coverage, would make the procedure more accessible to a wider population. Additionally, comprehensive sex education programs should be implemented to raise awareness about reproductive health, fertility preservation, and the various options available.

This article is authored by Dr. Saroja Koppala, Fertility Consultant at Nova IVF Fertility, Hyderabad.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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