Beards dirtier than dog fur? Here’s how to keep it clean
A recent study debates that your beard carries more germs than that of your dog.

London: Men with beards are said to be more attractive than the average man. But a survey claims that men’s beards carry more germs than dogs carry in their fur; the same dogs that roll in the mud and sleep on the streets, reported The Guardian.
The study was conducted among a sample size of 18 men and was tested against 30 canines of varying breeds. The results proved that men need to keep up with their beard hygiene. Here are a few tips to keeping your beard squeaky clean.
Wash and condition
“You should wash your beard hair like you wash the hair on your head,” says Joth Davies, the founder of Savills Barbers in Sheffield. One can use the same products that one uses on the head, but using specialised products is always recommended. Washing and conditioning your beard every other day or a couple of times a week is sufficient. It will dry out if you wash it everyday.
The skin beneath the beard becomes dry and it is important to exfoliate regularly. Beard dandruff is more of a problem if the beard is longer. “Scrubs will help to get rid of all the loose skin and rejuvenate”, says Stevie Warwicker, the store manager at the Marylebone branch of Ruffians. Exfoliation too must be done not more than two or three times a week.
Daily moisturising
Nourishing your beard with a specialised beard oil or a balm is essential. Although, moisturising helps with beard vitality rather than cleanliness. Brushing the beard will also make it more presentable-looking.