Women need more sleep than men

HYDERABAD: Not many people are aware that women need more sleep than men, said doctors from the city. According to an internationally renowned doctor, women require 8-10 hours of sleep each night, while men can get by with 6-7- 8
hours of sleep. Although the majority of city doctors concur, few have stated that the amount of sleep needed depends on the body type and health of each individual. However, they concur that due to hormonal differences,
women sleep more than men do.
Women require more sleep in order to create certain hormone reserves, said
the doctor, adding, “Men can get away with 7-8 hours of sleep, sometimes
even six hours, but women need 8-10 hours of uninterrupted sleep,” he said.
He went on to say that this is because women rely heavily on their adrenals
to produce daily hormones, whereas men do not, as they can produce 2-3% of
their adrenals in 98 percent which is produced by testicles. However, he
claimed that women require specific adrenal or hormone production to create
their entire anabolic state, he said.
City gynecologists and endocrinologists agree that women require more sleep
than men due to hormonal differences and women’s greater responsibilities.
If a woman doesn’t get enough sleep, which is close to eight hours and more,
then she is likely to have hormonal imbalances, they said.
Women release certain hormones during their deep sleep which helps them get
energized and active. According to Dr K Shilpi Reddy, Clinical director for
women and children at a well-known city hospital, if a woman's sleep is
disrupted and shorter, she will experience several problems such as
irregular menstrual cycle, and disruption in growth hormones. “It is more
about good quality sleep and the requirements differ from person to person.
But women need more sleep than men. However, they sleep less even when their body demands more sleep than men,” added Dr Reddy.
However, endocrinologists in the city asserted that women do indeed require
more sleep than men, albeit only a small amount more—just 10-15 minutes. Men
and women are advised to get eight hours of sleep each night, but because of
gender and hormonal differences, women require an additional 15 minutes.
“Men typically sleep more soundly and uninterruptedly than women. Men's
sexual functions are impacted if they don't get the recommended amount of
sleep. Insufficient sleep can also have an impact on reproductive, sexual,
and metabolic processes. Women do need an extra 10 minutes of sleep because
they experience more sleep disorders than men do,” said Dr. Sandeep, an