Changing Focus: Climbing up with Down syndrome
On International World Syndrome day here are some interesting facts you should know.

Mumbai: Your genetics play a key role in how your body works and looks. People with Down syndrome are born with an extra chromosome and that can affect them both mentally and physically. There are many challenges but with proper care and understanding, you can unlock much potential in the people with Down syndrome.
There are many inspiring people who have achieved great success and have set a milestone for those who look up to them. From being an athlete to a mountain climber, various inspiring stories can be the source of motivation.
Stereotypes related to Down syndrome
Common perception dictates that people with Down syndrome lack the ability to learn and function but it is the reverse; they never stop learning and functional skills can be attained and improved well into adulthood.
People believe that kids with Down syndrome cannot attend regular schools as they can’t keep track with the learning process. However, with certain modifications, they can keep track and have similar learning experiences.
People believe that people with Down syndrome cannot experience different emotions. Through the course of this article you’ll discover that it is a myth.
These stereotypes are commonly spread among people and the reason is lack of awareness and medical facilities that can limit people with Down syndrome to reach and explore their potential. In order to break these stereotypes, one has to know more about them and meet them in person. Educating people about it can be a better way to raise awareness and make things better for people with this syndrome.
Things to remember:
Early intervention can help children with Down syndrome to reach their potential.
Children with Down syndrome can attend childcare centres, playgrounds and preschools.
Children with Down syndrome can attend mainstream schools like other people.
Many students with Down syndrome reach the age of 12 years and go to post-school training and tertiary education.
Many famous and successful personalities with this syndrome have become an inspiration like, Aditi Verma, a 22 year old Eatery owner. Aditi is running her business like a boss for years now and she is an inspiration for many Indians.
Sujeet Desai, a musician, he plays seven musical instruments like violin, trumpet, piano and saxophone and have won many awards and also featured in Times Magazine, The Wall Street Journal and attended Oprah Winfrey’s show.
In the fashion industry, Madeline Stuart, the first professional model with Down syndrome, has left no stone unturned in paving her path to success. These people are few examples of tremendous potential that has been neglected over the years. We know there is much more potential to be tapped among those with Down syndrome.
*Disclaimer: This article has been contributed by Dr. Raj Thapa, Director, Mom’s Belief Sunshine Therapy. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Deccan Chronicle, and Deccan Chronicle does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.