Healthy start
The transition from one year to another opens the door for awakening, change, growth and rejuvenation.

A yogi once said that he cannot control his mind or his senses but he can surely control his breathing. Thus through control of breath, he controls everything. Would you like to start your new year on a brighter note? Or know ways to be more effective in this year? Well, believe it or not, the answer lies in breathing.
By following a few Swar Yog exercises, fully enjoy the spirit of the new year:
New Year resolution
Make a plan of New Year goals on a piece of paper upon the activation of left nostrils. It helps to achieve them faster.
Exercise Regularly
Activate right nostril and go for a morning walk or to the gym. It helps to regain energy levels faster and one does not feel tired after doing exercise. If you are practicing Pranayam and asanas, then practicing it on the activation of Surya swar (i.e.right nostril) helps in quickly reviving and energising your body and mind.
Drink plenty of water
Drinking water from a copper vessel is recommended as it helps your body maintain its temperature according to outside weather. Thus, helping one feel rejuvenated and energetic throughout the day.
Food habits
To stay at a healthy weight one should eat properly and not starve. Swar Yog recommends eating spicy food or warm food during activation of the right nostril. It helps one in controlling excessive body acids generated thus helping in digestion. Eating sweet or cold/frozen food dishes during the activation of the left nostril helps in harmonising the body fluids without disrupting the body temperature. Avoid eating sweets immediately after waking up as it tends to imbalance the elemental cycle running within our body thus making one prone to diseases.
Sleeping/Lying on the left side
Sleeping on the left side after meals helps quicken the digestion of food. Daily practice of the same reduces indigestion.
Cut down stress
One of the most common and easy ways to reduce your stress is through meditation. Meditation during the activation of Sushumna swar i.e. when air flows through both the nostrils, is ideal. This helps to easily overcome the disruptive thoughts within the mind.
Quit Smoking
Planning to quit any addiction on Surya (right nostril) swar helps one get rid of the same as quickly as possible.
Increase self-efficiency on daily basis
By identifying the phase of moon and checking your dominant nostril before getting out of bed in the morning and letting the corresponding foot be the first to touch the floor, is a simple practice that helps you align the subtle flow of energy that ensures success in your work throughout that day.
The writer is a Swaryog Expert, SwarYog Foundation