
This cat's eye colour will cast a spell on you

This cat's eyes have a whole universe inside.

This cat has become an internet sensation due to the colour of its eyes. The kitty’s multi-colured eyes look like as if the whole universe is hidden in them. Though many people have there own theory regarding the multi-colour eyes, there’s a scientific logic behind it.

Cat 2 (Photo: imgur)

This condition is called as sectoral heterochromia. Heterochromia is greek word. Heterochromia causes diffrenece in colors of iris, hairs and skin. Here heteros meaning is different while chroma meaning is colors. Heterochromia is due to excess or lack of melanin in body this results heterochromia to human, dogs and cats also. Heterochromia causes the change in color of iris or eyes.

Cat 3(Photo: imgur)

However, there’s nothing to worry at all, if your pet is born with such eyes, as it doesn’t affect their vision. However, if your cat had normal eyes and later on started to develop heterochromia, it might suggest a disease.

( Source : deccan chronicle )
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