
Just got laid? Here are tips to keep yourself fresh

Here are few simple and easy tips to have your sex life rolling.

So many times we have experienced lethargy after a good gratifying lovemaking session that we don’t feel like going to the washroom to clean ourselves. Men, of course, have to take off their condom, otherwise even they give it a miss sometimes. Dragging yourself to clean is one of the tedious tasks to perform and can make it appear so unsexy. Yes, the zillions of bacteria can make it not so cool.

The exchange of bodily fluids can act as a transmitter of various infections which is an unpleasant thing to experience and acts as a transmitter of sexually transmitted diseases.

Steer clear of infections; enjoy more of sex with these few simple and easy tips that will help you keep your sex life rolling.

Empty your bladder

The first and most important thing, which every woman should do post-sex, is to empty her bladder within fifteen minutes of sex. This will help in reducing your chances of getting infected with Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). This can eventually lead to various other complications in the body.

Low oestrogen alert

The urethra is short and is close to the bladder. While have penetrative sex bacteria can easily pass to the bladder and cause infection. However, there are some women who are more prone to having STD’s than others because of various other biological factors. Post-menopausal women should be extra careful. The low oestrogen level in the body, cause the inner tissues to become thinner thereby reducing the body’s inability to fight infection.

Vaginal wash

No matter how much your partner maintains hygiene, it is imperative that you too maintain your hygiene. Using a condom does not guarantee that you are in ‘no infection zone’. Penetrative sex upsets the PH balance of the vaginal area and therefore, it is imperative to get a good wash post-sex to restore the PH balance.

Avoid douching

Douching or intra-vaginal cleansing can impact the health status by disrupting the good vaginal bacteria. The amount of lactobacillus gets reduced and this does more harm than good.

Change undies

Get into the habit of changing your undies post-sex. This is a healthy practice that you can put to use. This is essential if your foreplay includes dry humping. So wearing anything that can have the bacteria is not advisable.

Swish some mouthwash

Last but not least when we talk about hygiene, it does not solely men hygiene down south; it includes oral hygiene as well. Oral wash post-sex can help in inhibiting the spread of oral infection and can prevent gonorrhoea. It is also advisable that you do not brush your teeth before lovemaking session as tiny cuts can help in the easy transmission of STD.

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