Is porn the real cause of erectile dysfunction?
If you are addicted to porn, here are few things which you must know.

Let’s all agree that we must have watched porn once in life and we cannot disagree that we like watching it for numerous reasons. Though porn can make us feel good in so many ways there are downsides of watching porn on a regular basis. One of the major problems, which a man can face would be – Erectile Dysfunction.
The inability to maintain an erection while you are in the act can be quite embarrassing in front of your partner. Not only does it adversely affect your self-esteem, confidence but can be indicative of major health complications.
However, there are some who would like to believe that watching porn could be the culprit behind your inability to perform during the act. People think that erectile dysfunction is a common phenomenon among old people but young men are equally being affected.
Not discussed openly but might need medical help. It is not a widely discussed topic but doctors have discovered treatments through exercises which can help you gain your lost self-confidence and woe your partner. One of the most common drugs available that can provide a quick and temporary solution is Viagra.
Clare Faulkner, a psychosexual and relationship therapist shares with TheGuardian, “I now have erectile dysfunction clients in their early 20s,” she says. She does not blame pornography to be the reason but mentions that “a much-dissociated experience. Stimulation is coming externally, which can make it very hard to be in your body.”
She further highlights that pornography may not be the main cause of erectile dysfunction, but it creates a perception that men are supposed to be erect at the time and women perpetually long for sex. Addiction to porn, on the other hand, may increase sex drive and can lead to excessive masturbation, which might affect health sooner or later in life.
The cause of erectile dysfunction can be attributed to poor physical and mental health. Excess consumption of alcohol and smoking and unhealthy lifestyle choices could be some of the other factors. Doctors are also of the opinion that stress, anxiety, irregular sleep, exhaustion and depression affect your mental health and be the cause of erectile dysfunction.