
Living Through Screens: The True Cost of Social Media

How many of us get out of bed without first checking social media, and how many of us fall asleep scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, or WhatsApp? Are our children playing outside with friends, or are they glued to their screens all day? These are questions we should ask ourselves because the social media platforms that once entertained us have now become the ones we entertain.

Today, almost no task is free from social media's influence. If we're not using it, we might feel like we're lagging behind in efficiency. The modern world demands smart work over hard work, and platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter have become essential tools for learning and networking. For some, mastering these platforms can even lead to significant earnings.

It's often said that while some people might lack an Aadhar card or PAN card, they almost certainly have a Facebook or Instagram account. This humorous observation underscores a stark reality. Previously, when planning a trip, we focused on the destination and the experiences. Now, we're preoccupied with Snapchat streaks and Instagram reels, capturing the beauty of nature and moments through our phone cameras rather than with our eyes. Should we blame technology or our own usage habits?

Social media undoubtedly has numerous benefits. Many use it positively for education, connection, and innovation. However, an increasing number of people are unintentionally using it negatively. With the rise in social media usage, cybercrime has also escalated. Even older generations have adapted to smartphones and platforms like PhonePe and Facebook, moving away from landlines and basic mobile phones. Change is inevitable, but it should be positive and not lead to addiction.

Post-COVID, smart learning became the norm, with children receiving tablets and smartphones for education. However, a worrying trend has emerged: young children, as young as ten, are making adult-themed content on platforms like Instagram and YouTube instead of playing with friends and creating cherished memories. Should we blame the parents, or is it our collective mindset?

Navigating this digital landscape requires balance. We must harness the benefits of social media without becoming enslaved to it. This means setting boundaries, encouraging healthy habits, and fostering real-world connections, especially for the younger generation. By using social media mindfully, we can ensure that it enhances rather than diminishes our quality of life.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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