Granny shocked when hubby turns out to be porn lover
Elderly lady takes to social media to talk about angst, says husband blames her.

This one granny got the shock of her life when she found out her husband of many years was an avid porn lover!
Taking to a website, the grand mum said that she was left shaken after discovering her husband’s X-rated history.
Going as loopylou, she wrote, “I'm shaking. I went on the laptop to find out something for my DD, went in history and am shocked. Found out my husband has been spending hours on very graphic porn sites (thankfully not child abuse) amongst other things. We've been married 40 years and I don't know what to do or where to turn to for advice. He's out at the moment and doesn't know what I have discovered. I feel sick.”
Website users were soon at her side, with one whitewave writing, “I would metaphorically kick his ass from here to Kingdom come. It is wrong on so many levels.”
Mumofmadboys was a bit more understanding, “I'm sorry this had happened. I think you should ask your husband about it.Bring it out into the open. It is not uncommon not that I am condoning it.Hugs x,” while grannypiper just wrote, “loopy take a deep breath.”
Grannyviper offered a bit more solace, “I know you are shocked but it is not as bad as it could be. There is no child porn so thats good. He is only looking and remember it is so easy to find this stuff on the net, he may just have had a little peek but then another and another then it became a habit. Dont say a word until you can talk to him about it calmly.”
But our granny loopylou had more, “There's stuff about escorts and massages, rent boys, far beyond what I would call 'normal' porn. It's at all hours of the day and night. He's also looked up sex contacts in Lanzarote and hotels after telling me we couldn't afford a holiday it looks like he getting one planned out there. He's 'talking' to some girl on a sex blog.
harrigran he's so computer illiterate I don't think he knows how to delete history. He only ever uses google and outlook emails.”
And guess what, he says it is her fault!
The woman explained that her horny husband had been using the family computer to mine the web for hardcore porn - without using private browsing to cover his tracks.
And by not deleting his history, he left a saucy trail of sexual deceit.