
Now, just say it out loud!

Interesting sessions are being hosted across the city to encourage young adults to pour their hearts out.

Getting together to talk about your life and experiences, is not something that is just done with the best friend over coffee, anymore. A few initiatives in the city are encouraging people to get together and engage in discussions. These discussions include sharing personal stories, listening keenly and exchanging.
Being with a new crowd actually initiates new conversations and gives you a peek into lives that aren’t very different from your own. The truth being here that people genuinely like being heard and currently we strongly lack exactly this. Dirish Mohan, the moderator at a forum called, A Take On Life says, “I believe that when ten people get together and talk about life, it will motivate you. People love to share their views, to be heard and to learn new things, while not being forced to do that. Once people start talking and they feel a part of themselves in anyone else’s story they start to open. I think people are really looking for a platform where they can learn new things, share their perspectives and feel connected with others. It’s not about seeking help.”

Another interesting initiative called the Listening Circle organised by Harish Bhuvan is one that appreciates the art of listening. “People don’t really have an outlet to talk. Everyone wants to talk but no one really wants to listen. This sort of circle encourages people want to share and also listen. It is a beautiful gathering of people who want to share their stories with total random strangers and total random strangers want to listen to them,” he quips.

In search of like-mindedness youngsters enjoy getting to know other people and their perspectives Shruti Ravi Kumar, an Engineering student who’s been to Dirish’s shows says, “You get to hear a whole bunch of people’s stories and perspectives. It’s a nice environment to be in, instead of one person lecturing you. There are different age groups and when they share you feel comfortable to share too. You find a common ground with the people. At initiatives like people get to meet and socialise a bit.”Finding acceptance among virtual friends is not uncommon and these platforms ensure that they get a taste of acceptance in real life too. Darshith Badiyani a software engineer and motivational speaker says, “The chances of acceptance at an event like this is more compared to family environment. People from all age groups participate here and this gives us new perspectives about life and the freedom to speak our mind openly, discuss and discover ourselves by knowing others.”

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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