Video: These Google translations of some famous Tamil insults are hilarious
They always have some unique insults in hand for every situation

Hilarious Google translations of Tamil insults (Photo: Youtube/Screengrab)
Have you ever heard a Tamil friend hurling out insults? Well, you would be surprised to know that, Tamil people are the most creative ones in inventing new and unique insults to throw in any kind of situation.
Try not to laugh, when you get to know the translated version. Be it when they are cut off in traffic, or they are irritated or just pranked on by friends, they will have a bagful of insults in hand just for the situation.
This video by Rascalas, tries to expose the meaning of some of the quick-tongued abuses, which could make you go mad with laughter.
Click to watch the video:
( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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