
Climbing new heights

The benefits of this programme have been widely acknowledged.

Selected NCC cadets get to participate in Youth Exchange Programme which is a country to country exchange of cadets belonging to NCC/ equivalent Govt/ youth organisations of friendly countries. They participated in NCC activities of the host country to create an increased awareness and appreciation of each other's socio-economic and cultural realities. NCC has a vibrant YEP with 11 countries. The benefits of this programme have been widely acknowledged.

As of now more than 100 cadets proceed abroad on YEP annually.

Arthy Ramu was the only cadet from Tamil Nadu to be a part of this prestigious YEP, wherein she was selected as an Indian Cadet Ambassador to Bhutan. “We were a team of 12 cadets and 2 officers I was, in fact, the only girl from South India.

Our stay in Bhutan was for a week from December 13 to 19. It was an out of the world experience to have visited Bhutan. I thoroughly enjoyed and also got the amazing opportunity to interact with important dignitaries like the Minister of Education of Bhutan Mr.Jai Bir Rai, the Indian Ambassador Mr. Jaideep Sarkar. We also had a meeting with the Deputy Chief Operation officer of Royal Bhutan Army.

We went sightseeing to many places, not to miss the hike to Paro Taktsang (Tigers Nest) which was both challenging and demanding but it was all worth it when we experienced the snowfall,” says Arthy

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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