
Bengaluru-Based CEO Anuradha Tiwari Backs Her Brahmin Genes Post

Bengaluru-based entrepreneur Anuradha Tiwari has backed her Brahmin Genes post, where she shared a picture of her on X flexing her muscles with the caption 'Brahmin Genes'.

The post which has gone viral, had 6.8 millions views on the social media platform at the time of writing and it has divided the internet as some netizens criticised her for bringing up caste whereas some came in support of her.

Anuradha Tiwari has been vocal on caste-based reservations and her bio on X reads 'One Family One Reservation'. The entrepreneur expressed her views in earlier posts on X regarding caste-based reservations. “I am general category student. My ancestors have passed me down 0.00 acres land. I live in a rented house. I couldn’t get admission despite scoring 95% but my classmate who scored 60% & comes from well off family gets admission. And you ask me why I have problem with reservation?” Anuradha posted on X on August 18, 2022.

Anuradha has backed her claim through successive posts on X. She reacted to her Brahmin Genes post saying, “As expected, a mere mention of word 'Brahmin' triggered many inferior beings. Tells a lot about who real casteists are. UCs get nothing from system - no Reservation, no freebies. We earn everything on our own and have every right to be proud of our lineage. So, deal with it.”

She reacted to the social media users who trolled her for her post saying, “be an unapologetic Brahmin.” The Bengaluru-based CEO also said that there is an entire system working to make Brahmins feel guilty for their very existence.

“Time to change this narrative. Be an unapologetic Brahmin. Wear it on your sleeve. Let the so-called social justice warriors burn,” she added.

Her latest post on X read, “Last time Brahmins relied on government like Kashmiri Pandits, they had to flee their homes. Today, Brahmins are among most hated communities. They are unnecessarily targeted by state-sponsored social justice activists. Yet, no one stands up for them. High time Brahmins unite & speak up.”

#BrahminGenes was one of most trending topics on X and commenting on the trend, author Chetan Bhagat said that “#BrahminGenes is splitting the Hindu vote.” To Which she reacted by asking, “But when Brahmins decide to take a stand for themselves, suddenly, Hindu unity is in danger.”
( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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