
Meru International School Hosts First Junior Model UN Conference

Hyderabad, August 31, 2024: The first edition of the Junior Model United Nations Conference, hosted by Meru International School, Tellapur Branch, was an immensely enriching event that brought together students from Grades 4 to 8 from around 20 different schools across Hyderabad. This colloquium fostered inclusivity, diversity, critical thinking, and individuality.

The event commenced with an electrifying opening ceremony, replete with music, dance, and more. The venue, decorated with flags from around the world, symbolized the unity and diversity that MUN stands for. The ceremony began with a warm address by the Principal of Meru International School, who welcomed the young delegates to this auspicious event. The gathering was then addressed by the visionary Founder Director of Meru International School, Ms. Meghana Gorukanti Jupally, whose inspiring words truly motivated the delegates to give their very best.
The Chief Guest for this stimulating event, Ms. Emilia B. Smith, Public Diplomacy Officer at the U.S. Consulate General, Hyderabad, addressed the gathering and shared valuable insights about the world of diplomacy. Her inspirational and thought-provoking words resonated with the delegates and set a positive tone for the event.
The delegates also heard from the Secretary General, who inspired them to think rigorously and speak meticulously about the issues they would be facing. As each member of the Secretariat and Executive Board was introduced and presented with their gavels, it was clear that each participant—host or guest—was ready to give their best and learn from this experience.
The Committees for the first edition of JMUN at Meru International School, Tellapur, consisted of UNHRC, UNEA, WEF, WHO, MOM, UNICEF, and Lok Sabha. Around 200 students engaged in conscientious debates, discussing issues of global importance, proposing innovative solutions, and collaborating to ensure the common good.
As Meru International School reflects on this transformative event, it is clear that Meru-JMUN 2024 has empowered the voices of tomorrow, paving the way for a more informed and engaged generation of global citizens.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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