
Chevireddy Lashes Out at Puliverthi Nani

Anantapur: Chandragiri MLA Chevireddy Bhaskar Reddy accused Chandragiri TD candidate Puliverthi Nani of trying to create a drama of being personally attacked at Padmavati Mahila University a few days ago.

“I condemn the attack on Nani’s car on the university premises. But none of the YSRC cadres attacked Nani physically. He has cooked up the story of the attack,” Bhaskar Reddy maintained.

Speaking to media on Saturday at Tirupati, the Chandragiri MLA regretted that he, his family members and YSRC party are being needlessly blamed for physically attacking the TD candidate Nani.

Bhaskar Reddy maintained that he had fielded his son from the Chandragiri assembly segment this time due to his attachment with the people of the area. He wanted his son to continue helping the people of Chandragiri, the MLA maintained.

He accused the TD candidate of staging a drama of attack only to gain political mileage.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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