Hyderabad: CID To Grill Cop in Fake Passport Case

Hyderabad: Crime Investigation Department officials are likely to seek police custody of the arrested accused in a fake passport case to question them on their role in providing fake passports to Sri Lankan nationals.
A total 22 accused were arrested in connection with the case. Recently, CID officials arrested Koppisetti Kalyan, passport agent and three ASIs — Thippanna, ASI of Police, Traffic, Maredpally, Shaik Nazeer Basha, ASI of Police, Panjagutta, and Guntur Venkateshwarlu, ASI of Police, SHE Team, Haka Bhavan.
CID officials obtained inputs about the accused for indulging in the offence and arrested them. Agency officials are likely to seek police custody of the accused for questioning them to get more leads in the case. It has been revealed in the investigation that in addition to the 95 passports issued to illegal immigrants from Sri Lanka, 30 more have been issued in the same way bringing the the total number of passports to 125. CID officials informed Passports and Immigration authorities about taking necessary action.