Bengaluru: Getting a building plan is now tougher than building a house!
Construction of houses has almost come to a standstill as agencies are clueless on issuing building plans.

BENGALURU: Getting a sanctioned plan from the BBMP for construction of a house or structure is not as easy as you may think!
In fact it’s nothing short of a Herculean task for those who want to have a house of their own, more so if the site or layout is being transferred to the BBMP from different authorities like Bengaluru Development Authority (BDA) and Karnataka Housing Board (KHB).
Construction of houses and buildings has almost come to a standstill as the different agencies are clueless on issuing the building plan following the government order that only the BBMP must issue building plans for all the layouts falling under the BBMP jurisdiction, irrespective of the authority forming the layouts.
After formation of the BBMP by merging seven city municipal corporations, one- town municipal corporation and 110 villagers, several layouts formed by the BDA and KHB have fallen under the BBMP jurisdiction and agencies like KHB and BDA have been directed to hand over their properties to the BBMP for maintenance.
The catch is, that although the government has issued the order that the building plans must be issued by the BBMP engineering section, not all the offices have obtained the order. Some believe ignorance is bliss! Instead, the public are made to run from pillar to post.
Soorya (name changed), an individual in search of a plan for a KHB plot at Kengeri, was made to run from pillar to post. The reply from the officers concerned about issuing a building sanction plan is baffling! The officer concerned checks with another officer on what has to be done in such a situation. Furthermore, the plan seeker was asked to approach the KHB and BDA office.
Soorya suggested that the BBMP could display the documents required to obtain the building plan on the BBMP’s website to make things easy for citizens.
Speaking to Deccan Chronicle, Dr Veerabhadrappa, joint commissioner, RR Nagar zone, said the jurisdiction problem has been resolved and BBMP engineers have been directed to issue the plan.