CBSE school buses in Telangana to get mobile phones with internet
The principal in charge and the transport-in charge should ensure that the mobile phone is always with the attendant.

Hyderabad: Due to the rising cases of accidents and emergencies in school buses, the CBSE issued a circular stating that mobile phones should be made available in school buses. The circular further stated that the mobile phone should have Internet connection and data storage facilities to be used in case of any an unprecedented emergency.
CBSE officials claimed that this step should not encourage students to use mobile phones in school buses. The principal in charge and the transport-in charge should ensure that the mobile phone is always with the attendant.
The notice also stated that unmonitored usage of mobile phones in school buses will warrant disciplinary action from the board.
Leading CBSE schools in Telangana claimed that the transport in-charge is often in touch with the school bus drivers throughout the trip with a basic phone. However, they will follow new guidelines soon.
Veena S., a teacher said, “The idea of a mobile phone is good as parents can check in case of any emergency. The school can also be notified through the official mobile number.”
Through this step, each bus will have a mobile number assigned to it which makes the identification easier.