NSSO Holds Annual Industries Survey in Hyderabad

Hyderabad: The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) under the Union ministry of statistics and programme implementation on Tuesday conducted the annual survey of industries in Hyderabad.
The survey is the principal source of industrial statistics in India.
D. Satish, deputy director general, regional head and statistics officer of Telangana state, organised a conference in this context at the Federation of Telangana Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FTCCI). The conference aimed at promoting self-compilation of returns for the survey.
Information collected through this survey is used for statistical purposes to estimate the contribution of the industrial sector to gross domestic product and also to help the Centre in formulating policies for industrial development.
NSSO Hyderabad deputy director Shivaparvathi Reddy and senior statistical officers K. Guruswamy and Sh. Ramesh Mendu briefed the conference about the self-compilation process and the portal, a release said.