Mohana, Shivaranjani ragas used for study
His discourses are never complete without melodious compositions to the delight of his disciples.

Nellore: An interesting aspect of the study is that the team selected the music composed by the Seer of Avadhoota Datta Peetam in Mysore, Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji for the study.
Dr Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji is very popular for effectively using the most advanced music instruments with ease without any formal training for music therapy, to the astonishment of even their makers. His discourses are never complete without melodious compositions to the delight of his disciples.
During his performances he maintains that the advantages of music therapy are relief from pain and discomfort, reduction of stress, improved coping, self-empowerment, continued developmental growth, heightened satisfaction, reduced job-related stress, and enhancement in the overall sense of wellbeing, and better social consciousness.
“Music pieces based on the two ragas mohana which helps to overcome problems of attention deficit and lack of concentration in children and shivaranjani which helps to enhance the intellect and overcome memory problems composed by the seer were chosen for the study,” one of the study group members Dr Indira said.
Dr Amit Agarwal observed that a national level prospective longitudinal multipronged multicentric study is required to throw light on the role of Indian classical music on the academic growth of our future generations from the grassroots to higher education to combat the ever-growing load of courses and curriculum.
However, the basic problem in the research in Indian infrastructure is a lack of logistics for which we need to improve to give birth to valid data, he noted.
*A raga is a melodic outline for improvization analogous to a melodic mode practiced since time immemorial in the Indian classical music tradition as the remarkable and central feature which has no conceptual counterpart with the classical European music rituals.
*Each raga is an array of five melodic notes which have been assumed to have the ability to change moods of audiences in relation to the time of the day and seasons of the years.
*There are studies which have shown that there is a direct relationship between anxiety and learning in those who are engaged in music listening.
*Researchers have studied the relationship between the type of music and study. It has been shown that listening to soft-music results in improved concentration and better academic performance in students.