Thousands of pets, just one cemetery!
The city currently has only one crematorium that too is located on the outskirts, adjacent to KSRTC depot, Sumanahalli on Magadi Road.

Bengaluru: The recent BBMP move to put a cap on the number of pets and breeds may be the latest challenge faced by the city’s pet lovers, but their long pending demand to have more pet crematoriums continues to remain unfulfilled.
The city currently has only one crematorium that too is located on the outskirts, adjacent to KSRTC depot, Sumanahalli on Magadi Road. A rough estimate by the animal welfare groups has put the total number of pets in the city at two lakhs.
Santhosh Rajashekar, honorary trustee, Compassion Unlimited Plus Action (CUPA) told Deccan Chronicle, "On an average 10 pets pass away making the total number of dead pets around 150. Only one crematorium for a city like Bengaluru is really not enough."
Pet lovers have very limited options to give a respectful adieu to their pets. Those with financial resources are able to bid a respectful adieu, but many have no option but to dump the carcass in stormwater drains, isolated places and outlying areas in an unscientific manner. They pose a serious threat to the public health and groundwater.
A petition on started by The CJ Memorial Trust Bangalore demanding Pet Crematorium 24x7 and mandate all the shelters/hospitals to cremate unclaimed dead animals have crossed 500 signatures.
"Loss and grief are already hard to bear, but logistics of having nowhere to go to inter a beloved pet (who is part of the family) exacerbates the wound. By keeping the crematorium operational 24/7 (considering staff stays there as well), people will not have to choose expensive burials, that also goes against their own beliefs. Since the numbers of pet lovers and rescuers have gone up, and Bengaluru's increasing attachment to its pets , having a sensitive handling of them as well as the family's grief, would be the right thing to do", the petition stated.
"The animal crematorium was started on November 9, 2015. It has two incinerators - one for small animals like dog, cat, sheep, and goat and the second for large animals," Santhosh said.
He said that crematoriums have to be accessible and affordable for people of all walks of life. "Not all will be willing or have the resources to travel to outskirts to get their pet cremated" he lamented.
After hearing the pleas of animal lovers City Mayor Sampath Raj said that suitable measures will be soon taken after a meeting with animal welfare associations and pet owners.