II PU exam: It's easy on first day
According to Hanumanthacharya, Biology HOD at BASE, the question paper is reasonably good.

BENGALURU: For most II PU students it was an easy start with their first paper Biology being fairly easy to crack. According to Hanumanthacharya, Biology HOD at BASE, the question paper is reasonably good.
“It included questions pertaining to all chapters with special emphasis on ecology unit. The paper was free from ambiguity and wrong questions. Overall, an average student can score close to 70 per cent,” he said.
According to Dr Milind C., Vice-President, Deeksha Network, an average student can easily score 45-50 per cent marks and those performing consistently in their college exams can easily score 75 per cent. The question paper pattern was same as last year, however two questions were tricky.
“Overall, the paper followed the prescribed blueprint and appeared easy for the students,” he said. “It wasn’t difficult. I was at ease right through due to focused preparation and practice. The paper was easy and not lengthy, it is indeed a good start and hope it will continue,” said Kavya Sankar, a student of Deeksha Network.
Another student Udaya from St. Anne’s PU College, too felt the same. She said it has made her confident of facing the forthcoming exams and scoring good marks.
Two students disallowed
What if a student first completes PUC in Arts or Commerce stream and then rejoins to pursue Science? How to deal with such students? There were two such cases this year and they were not allowed to appear for the II PUC final examination, which started on Friday.
The PU Board argues that a student cannot hold two PU certificates. “Two such students were not allowed to appear for the exam,” informed an officer. Meanwhile the PU board is expected to hold a meeting after the final examination to decide whether to allow these students to appear for the supplementary examination.