Bengaluru: Flyovers won't ease traffic woes
Experts say the city needs mass public transport to ease congestion.

BENGALURU: Why is the government trying to bring in another steel monster in the city, this time at at Shivananda Circle, amidst wide opposition? Are flyovers a solution to increasing traffic jam in the city?
Traffic experts beg to differ. They say that city needs mass public transport to ease traffic congestion rather than flyovers, which they dismiss it as a ploy for bureaucrats and contractors to mint money.
Mistaken belief
Regarding the government’s keenness for steel flyover, Srinivas Alavalli, coordinator, Citizens for Bengaluru (CfB), said, "This is mainly because of their mistaken belief that traffic congestion can be handled by flyovers. They are out of touch with reality and cannot comprehend lessons learned by all cities across the world."
When questioned whether the government decided on steel flyover after any mobility studies, Alavalli said, “If government makes decisions based on data and evidence and puts it up on public domain, we won't find massive public resistance."
Many solutions
When asked about the solution, Alavalli asserted, "Public transport is the solution. Double the buses and reduce their fares. Get suburban trains running within six months. We are tired of excuses between state and Centre #ChukuBukuBeku."
Impose taxes on new vehicles, parking fees and congestion charges and use that money for public transport, he suggested.
He made it clear that citizens will not oppose every single thing the government proposes. He said that CfB was closely working with the BMTC and BBMP for Green App and fighting for ward committees.
When asked if the city will see another protest against steel flyover at Shivananda circle, Alavalli said it depends on the level of transparency and citizen involvement in projects.
Flyover of no help
Traffic expert M.N. Sreehari said the state government which couldn't push a big steel flyover has now come down to get kickbacks by proposing many small ones.
"They came up a build a steel monster measuring 6.7 km which they couldn't after wide opposition. Now they have proposed a small monster measuring 326 m," Sreehari said and ruled out that the flyover will not solve any traffic congestion on the stretch.
Even he batted for public transport like Metro and monorail, which can carry thousands of passengers at a time.