YSRC proposes auto suspension
Government chief whip Gadikota Srikanth Reddy has proposed setting up the lines

Vijayawada: With instances of pandemonium in the Assembly becoming frequent, the YSRC government has proposed drawing white, red and green lines, and automatic suspension of MLAs who cross boundaries.
Government chief whip Gadikota Srikanth Reddy has proposed setting up the lines. The House approved the motion proposed by Srikanth Reddy and Speaker Tammineni Sitaram recommended it to the rules committee.
Speaker Sitaram said that Opposition legislators were violating rules and norms and behaving indecently. He recalled that on Monday they had climbed the Speaker podium, tore up papers and threw at him but he had been patient and had asked them to return to their seats.
They remained adamant which resulted in disruption in the House after which five MLAs were suspended for indecent behaviour. He said that disruption had become the tradition and there was a need to bring new norms for smooth performance of the Assembly through automatic suspension system.
Srikanth Reddy explained that three lines in white, green and red would be drawn around the Speaker’s podium. Legislators could only protest from behind the white line. If they cross the green green line, the Speaker can warn them of strict action if they do not return to their seats. If they cross the red line, the legislators would get automatically suspended without the Speaker’s orders.