500 saplings planted on Hyderabad outskirts
An organisation, named Heartfulness' has decided to plant them in order to make a strong count of as many as 2 lakh trees in 20 km of ORR.

Over 300 grown trees that were marked for felling because of road widening works have been translocated. (Representational image)
Hyderabad: Hyderabad city outskirts are all set to battle out pollution as over 500 saplings were planted at Kanha Shantivanam on the Diwali eve for a green celebrations.
An organisation, named ‘Heartfulness’ has decided to plant them in order to make a strong count of as many as 2 lakh trees in 20 km of ORR.
These trees would be accompanied by those which were to be felled previously.
Over 300 grown trees that were marked for felling because of road widening works have been translocated.
Another 100 coconut trees marked for felling in Krishnagar district, Tamil Nadu, have also been translocated to Kanha Shantivanam.
( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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