Don't panic over disaster warning, today

If a serious disaster warning message lands on your mobile phone on Friday, do not panic and react to it - but only this Friday.
As part of a trial run for implementing a high-tech ‘mobile broadcast warning’ system in the State to alert and evacuate the public during times of natural and other disasters, the State Disaster Management Authority will be disseminating a mock disaster warning message on Friday
Since the trial run for the new system that is being implemented with the help of all mobile phone service providers is scheduled for October 20, Friday, people in Tamil Nadu are likely to receive the disaster warning messages that need not be taken seriously this time, an official press release said.
Through the disaster warning system, being implemented along with the National Disaster Management Authority, every mobile phone tower would disseminate the message alerting people of an impending disaster or information on evacuation process or a warning to every single phone within a certain radius of its reach, the release said.
The new system is being introduced as part of the preparedness for facing all disasters, including tsunami, rains, floods and earthquake aimed at ensuring public safety by conveying the message to all in the particular locality in every emergency situation.