Thrust on systematic development: Mayor Soumini Jain
The budget has decided to form SPVs to improve the efficiency of governance and delivery of services in many areas.

Kochi: The budget presented by deputy mayor T. J. Vinod on Saturday aims at the systematic and comprehensive development of Kochi city, Mayor Soumini Jain said.
The budget has decided to form SPVs to improve the efficiency of governance and delivery of services in many areas. Importance has also been given to improve the public transport system in the city.
The 116 projects included in the budget also aim at the development of the marginalized sections of society along with the overall development of the city, she added.
The Opposition termed the budget as an exercise in hoodwinking the people of the city. They have been taken for a ride by repeating the projects and announcements made in the budgets from 2015 to 2018, said Opposition leader in the council K.J. Antony and LDF parliamentary party leader V.P. Chandran.
The budget has remained silent on the menace of mosquito, the major problem haunting the city dwellers. The two leaders also said that the budget does not have any projects or schemes for the marginalized and poor. “The deputy mayor has read out a text written by someone without making any effort to study the problems faced by Kochi,” they said.