
India slams EU parliament proposal to debate CAA

Alarm bells have begun ringing in New Delhi over the proposed discussion on CAA in European Union Parliament.

New Delhi: With reports that the European Parliament is set to debate and vote on a resolution tabled by some of its Left-wing members against India’s Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), which it says marks a “dangerous shift” in the country’s citizenship regime and has “created the legal grounds to strip millions of Muslims of the fundamental right of equal access to citizenship”, Indian government sources late on Sunday evening said that “the EU Parliament should not take actions that call into question the rights and authority of democratically elected legislatures in other regions of the world”.

Alarm bells have begun ringing in New Delhi over the proposed discussion on CAA in European Union Parliament.

Hoping that “sponsors and supporters of the draft will engage with us to get a full and accurate assessment of the facts before they proceed further”, Indian government sources further said that “every society that fashions a pathway to naturalisation, contemplates both a context and criteria (and that) this is not discrimination”.

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