Students visit Naval Base in Kochi
They were also treated to a flying display by the naval aircraft.

Kochi: As a part of Navy Week 2018, about 1000 children from various schools, along with their teachers, visited the Naval Base, Kochi on Wednesday. The children visited Indian Naval Ships Tir and Shardul, during and witnessed a number of activities on board. The children were told about the various parts of the ship, the role of the Indian Navy in defending the nation's maritime interests and were given basic knowledge about the equipment fit, weapons and sensors fitted on board. An exhibition, coordinated by Naval Institute of Aero-nautical Technology (NIAT), Seamanship and Diving Schools, was organised during the visit, to make the school children aware of various equipment used by the Navy. The exhibits included dummy bombs, rocket launchers, safety equipment, diving equipment, models of ships, robots and models depicting seamanship procedures. They were also provided a guided tour of the Naval Air Station, INS Garuda. They were also treated to a flying display by the naval aircraft.
The high point of the visit, however, was a ‘continuity drill’ performed by the sailors of INS Dronacharya. In this drill, the squad is required to execute a series of precise drill movements in unison, without a single word of command being given. The clockwork synchronisation of the drill movements and the complete confidence of each member of the drill squad in his fellow sailors impressed the students.