
Kerala: Milkfish cultivation turns boon for farmers

Matsya Samriddhi's project is spread in some 38 hectares in Kozhikode.

KOZHIKODE: Farmers who have burned their fingers in the prawn cultivation are heaving a sigh of relief as they are making up their losses through milkfish (Poomeen). The Poomeen revolution is slowly gaining strength thanks to Matsya Samriddhi project under Fish Farmers’ Development Agency (FFDA) of the fisheries department in 37.61 hectares in the district.

“Milkfish is a boon for farmers. It could be harvested in five months, and the fish has good growth. A single fish weighs up to 900 gramme,” says fisheries extension officer Jayanti T.T. The fish doesn’t need extra care and nurturing except feeding thrice a day, and the change of water. Joshi K.K., a farmer in Atholy, shifted to milkfish last year and his turnover has touched Rs 7.5 lakh.

“I had sold more than three tonnes at Rs 300/kg. Another three tonnes of fish is in my water which I catch up on demand,” he said. FDDA will provide 5,000 seeds to a farmer at a rate of Rs 4 per seed. Though brackish water is apt for milkfish, it could grow in fresh water also.

“The harvest history of last year shows that 80 percent is its success rate. More and more farmers are now switching to this marine fish cultivation,” said FDDA project assistant Nikhil N. FDDA is aiming to convert the milkfish pond to floating cage with growing ducks also. “The duck waste is a major feed for the fish nursery, and it could be a double benefit,” said Mr Jayanti.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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