AP among top ten states in energy efficiency endeavours
Director of BEE Vineeta Kanwal said the BEE launched the grading programme as part of financing energy efficiency projects

Vijayawada: The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has launched Grading of Energy Efficiency Projects as a pilot programme to undertake grading of 100 energy efficiency projects.
The launch was done at a conference held by the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) on ”Profitability through Energy Efficiency” in association with BEE, the AP state energy conservation mission (APSECM) and industry experts.
Director of BEE Vineeta Kanwal said the BEE launched the grading programme as part of financing energy efficiency projects and creating a market for energy efficiency endeavours.
Firstly, the borrower/Industry shall submit a loan application for the start of an energy efficiency (EE) project to the empanelled financial institutions (IREDA & Yes bank). Following this, the industry will be asked to get the grading of its EE project done.
Kanwal explained that after sanctioning of the loan, empanelled financial institutions shall give the documents to BEE for reimbursement of the grading fee. Finally, the BEE releases money by way of reimbursement to empanelled FIs, which will adjust this amount in borrower/industry’s loan installment within 12 months.
The BEE director said Andhra Pradesh, which has been specializing in energy efficiency initiatives, ranked among the top ten highly effective states for implementation of energy efficiency activities in the State Energy Efficiency Index (SEEI)-2020 apart from Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu.
She appreciated the AP government decision to establish energy conservation cells in government departments, which is the first of its kind in India to promote efficient use of energy at all levels and create awareness among the general public.
Kanwal said, “This is a major step towards making the state energy efficient, which will help achieve energy security along with economic, environmental and social benefits in the state.” She also highlighted the efforts of AP for introducing innovative IoT enabled energy efficiency projects in MSMEs. The IoT-based power monitoring devices were installed in around 65 MSME units covering 5 MSME units in each district in the state.
Ramesh Prasad, director/operations, APEPDCL, said APEPDCL is taking serious steps towards implementing energy conservation and energy efficiency measures in their circle and division level offices.
Chairman of CII for AP, Tirupati Raju said improvement in energy efficiency is the most important tool for industries to achieve excellence in cost competitiveness. Neeraj Sarda, vice chairman, CII Andhra Pradesh, Vijay Kumar Shimpi from Tata Motors, Rathin Vyas from ENERCO, Srinivasa Rao from East Coast Sustainable Pvt. Ltd and industry delegates participated in the Conference.